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Thread: Good Bass Flies

  1. #1

    Default Good Bass Flies

    I am mostly a trout fisherman, but there are a couple small ponds around where I live that have bass in them and I was wondering what some good patterns (preferably easy to tie) sre to use on them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Nashville, TN. USA
    Blog Entries


    Have you looked through the archives of the Warm Water and Panfish columns? There are a number of good flies mentioned there, often with tips on fishing them.

  3. #3
    Normand Guest

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    For springtime bass fishing, my top producers are black leeches tied on size 2 to size 8 streamer hooks. The addition of a red bead head seems to add to their effectiveness. As the water warms, the bass switch over to eating small fish, frogs etc. so you should follow suit by changing over to streamers or topwater patterns. My best streamer pattern is a polar fiber minnow tied in chartruese over white and 3D eyes.

    Good luck.

    Jim Smith

  5. #5


    Thanks for all the help. Looks like I am spending a a day at the vice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Lake In The Hills. IL USA


    Have ya heard of Psychosomatic suggestion??? Every time my eyes passed over this thread topic, my mind read " God Bless Flies". Am I the only one ? AND I'm not kidding. If I glanced at it THAT's what my MIND read.

    PS: Sorry for the slight diversion. Ok, I know I'm nuts. AND, It's not so bad NOW since the post is at the top of the list ( for now)

  7. #7


    I have probably caught as many bass on an olive wollybugger as with anything else.Add a few poppers and a black deciever and your all set.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Columbus, OH

    Default here's a couple

    The Wilds Hammer -
    Here's a smple and effective fly that holds just below the surface. On your favorite Bass hook, medium length shank (baitholder), tie a tail of squirrel or rabbit zonker the length of the hook. Starting at the tail, wrap more zonker to the eye and tie off. YOU ARE DONE. Adding some glue as you go will help the fly last longer. The fur pulses like crazy and the fly seems to have a neutral bouancy. Play around with the pattern - I've tied natural colors and some fluorescent ones. I've also done some double tails to look like frogs.
    also, try the James Woods Bucktail, tied on a Bass-sized hook. Go to this site and scroll down - they have a video of tying this - http://www.flyfishohio.com/Adventures_in_Fly_Tying.htm
    To Miss Nancy - She hated fishing, but loved a fisherman.

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