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Thread: You've got to use an 8 wt to throw bass bugs. Myth, reality?

  1. #1

    Default You've got to use an 8 wt to throw bass bugs. Myth, reality?

    One of the best tips I ever got on this board and one that increased my pleasure in bass fishing 10 fold, I got from Buddy. He convinced me to switch from the "conventional wisdom" propounded by Dave Whitlock and others that using an 8wt. for bass was the way to go to using a 3 or 4 wt. I took Buddy's advice and I've been throwing big bass bugs on 3 and 4 wt rigs for the last 2 or 3 years and loving it. Trust me, make the switch and you'll be happy you did. Much more fun. What do you think? Am I wrong? Right? Don't know? Don't care?

  2. #2


    I use a six weight. I just use scientific anglers bass bug taper if I want to throw big flies. I've also used an 8 and and 10 for bass. I have caught bass from 1lb. - 4lb. on my 4 weight while fishing for crappie and gills. "As long as you know how to play the fish, ude what ever rod you want!" That is what I say.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA


    Robert: Agree. I use my 9 foot 3 wt whenever I can on those bass. Have caught a couple that would go close to 5 lbs. They are extra fun on that rod.

    Tim Anderson

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    I don't find the "fight" of a LM to be especially taxing for ANY weight rod. We have tossed to'em with top-water stuff useing an ought to a ten weight.
    We do find other challenges to LM pestering that, for us, are better addressed with heavier gear.
    However, we need to check the last box in your survey.
    ....lee s.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I use an 8wt.
    I don't need it to throw poppers, I need it for the waters that I fish.
    I like to fish the weed choked little ponds in my area, spots where bassin' guys fear to go.
    When a bass hits a popper in these kind of places you've got to get control immediately. A rod with some backbone will help you turn a fish better then a light rod. If you try to "play" the fish on a light rod, you'll end up with nothing but a ball of weeds on your hook.
    I fish for river smallmouth with a light rod, but in the weeds an 8wt is the right tool for the job.
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Des Moines, IA


    Quote Originally Posted by dudley
    I use an 8wt.
    I don't need it to throw poppers, I need it for the waters that I fish.
    I like to fish the weed choked little ponds in my area, spots where bassin' guys fear to go.
    When a bass hits a popper in these kind of places you've got to get control immediately. A rod with some backbone will help you turn a fish better then a light rod. If you try to "play" the fish on a light rod, you'll end up with nothing but a ball of weeds on your hook.
    I fish for river smallmouth with a light rod, but in the weeds an 8wt is the right tool for the job.
    I agree. I have caught bass in clear water on a 3wt using smaller flys. But if there is any cover, or wind, which we get allot here in the Midwest, it makes no sense to me to try and throw a big fly on a light rod. I don't consider myself any less the fisherman/sportsman when I uncase the 8wt. But to each his own.
    " If a man is truly blessed, he returns home from fishing to the best catch of his life." Christopher Armour

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Northern Virginia


    I've never tried the bass bug taper on my 4 weight... but based on the comments above I think I will.

    I do throw some smaller bugs and streamers with my 4 wt when I can, but I find the section of the Shenandoah that I fish is frequently windy enough to demand a 7 or 8 wt.
    Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. ~ Mark Twain

  8. #8


    I use a 6 wt for small mouth. Mainly because the streams I am fishing are fairly small. Last time I was on a lake for LMB I threw bass bugs on a 7 wt. I found that it throws them pretty good. But there are some casts that I would make longer if I could. This winter, I bought a 9 wt to use for larger water LMB fishing and throwing larger bugs.

    So for me it's 6,7 or 9 depending on the water I am fishing and the size fly I plan on throwing.

    Trout, Bass, Carp, Whatever!

  9. #9


    Used to do the 8wt rods and lines for the big, wind resistant, ugly, deerhair bugs. Even then I felt underpowered. Started playing around with heavier lines on my lighter rods and presto. With a big wind resistant bug you need the heavier mass of the heavier line to pull it though the air, not the heavy rod.

    Now I use 7 and 10 weight lines but three and six weight rods, for the largest flies. Still use lighter lines with the lighter flies. I am not concerned about rod backbone because all you have to do is point your rod at the fish palm the reel or not give the fish any line and that fish is going nowhere, unless you snap your leader or bend your hooks out.

    My eight weight rarely ever comes out any more, it used to be pretty pathetic landing a sunfish on an eight weight.
    Your hooks sharp????

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Deptford, Gloucester County, N.J.

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