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Thread: Fly fishing trip with 30 kids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Davis Creek, CA, USA

    Default Fly fishing trip with 30 kids

    Today (in about 1.5 hours) I am taking my fly tying club fly fishing for bass! I have 30 kids that are going (they are 7th and 8th graders) and they are excited. Some people were out at the pond yesterday and said that the bass were going crazy - so it is looking to be a good day of fishing - if the weather would just hold (NOAA is predicting a 40% chance of rain). We're going to end the day with a BBQ!

    I want to thank all of you who donated to our club - without your help, this day wouldn't have happened! I'll post some pics later!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Northfield, MA USA


    Very exciting!


  3. #3


    Hope you have lots of helpers and that everyone catches.
    Well done


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    ......lee s.

  5. #5


    Personally, I think you're nuts.
    Having said that, I'll second what JC said and add, debarb the hooks.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Kuujjuaq, Quebec



    Best of luck and hats off to 'ya.

    (allan, not nuts ... probably easier than taking out 30 of us old dawgs on an outing )

    Watch out for fatigue and HUNGER. The kids'll be excited and forget to eat and drink. A "cranky" kid is probably getting hungry (and doesn't know it). Keep their blood sugar up with complex carbs like granola bars, nuts etc without too much sugar (watch out for peanuts vs allergies).

    Have fun.

    I take out the 8th graders here (group of 30-45 students) and some of them are starting to bring THEIR PARENTS fishing a couple times per year.

    Christopher Chin
    Jonquiere Quebec
    Christopher Chin

  7. #7


    Hope it went well!

    Be sure to let us know... maybe even a few tips you've picked up/ things for "next time", etc!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Western NY/ Finger Lakes Area


    Kathy has it right ! Let us know what tips you have for organizing/supervising 30 kids. I have a herd of kittens that need rounding up.............

    My first thought is about safety of the students - somehow 30 lines in the water at the same time sounds more like an ambulance should be stationed nearby. But glasses , hat , sunscreen soulnd like the minimum requirements.

    My second thought is a division of labor issue - useing three students as a team:
    one flycaster ( an accident waiting to happen),
    one ghillie (to command the net, measure, and release the fish)
    one spotter ( to locate the fish, and choose the fly)
    This would encourage teamwork, limit the number of lines in the water at the same time , and be easier to supervise 10 teams instead of 30 individuals. And then , as a team , they would all rotate job responsibilities ; thus they would all learn different responsibilities . And encourage parent participation - as this is a wonderful shareing and learning opportunity, ........and the kids will need transportation if they want to go fishing in the future .

    Just remember - "A mind is a terrible thing to lose " - use Zoloft !!
    Just my museings....
    Please do let us know how you fared todays activities - and what changes you might suggest. Please send photos !!!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Twin Tiers NY,USA


    1: Way to go, Ranchwife!!
    2: Hope you listened to JC!!
    3: Dad, you have some excellant thoug-----------Team-building? Never thought of that!! What a way to get people to work together!!
    4: Pictures would be great!!

    Land Em',

  10. #10


    My you have a good group -- hope the parents gave you a little help. Yes hats and glasses when they cast. Will be looking forward to some pictures.



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