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Thread: for a welcome, I have been reading the things I got.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ithaca, NY USA


    Al.... thank you. You have made my life so very much better. Through your words here I've learned to tie some flies, and learned that they don't have to be perfect to catch fish. Through your example, I've learned that sharing fly fishing with others is a great thing. And because I learned this, I'm starting a bunch of college kids in fly fishing and tying. They are in turn going to be teaching some troubled kids in their town how to fish and tie flies. They will make a difference in those kids' lives just as you have made a difference in mine.

    This is the first winter in memory that I haven't been depressed, miserable, and feeling sorry for myself. Instead of that, I grin at the feathers and the fur and I tie some flies. And I dream of fishing. And I thank God for you, Al.

    I'm holding you in the light and I'll never forget what you've done. I promise to keep passing it on.

    "If I'm not going to catch anything, then I 'd rather not catch anything on flies" ... Bob Lawless

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Sheffield Village, Ohio


    About 3 years ago My wife and I took our vacation out your way and I had the honor to meet you. We saw the badlands and Mount Rusmore and a host of other things, but the high point of my trip was to meet you. You took the time to give some places to fish and to pass on a few things to do in the area. We also meet at the Denver Expo, but we both had appointments and never got togeter to talk and I am very sorry for not having the time to spent with you. I too want to thank you for all the hours that you put in on helping everyone here with your knowledge. You will live on forever for what you have done for the Fly fishing community, and for just being Al Campbell.

    We all love you.

  3. #33


    AL like some other people said before me you really don't know what to say. But I will say this,when people that have never met you face to face are feeling emotional you know you are a very special person indeed.

  4. #34


    Al thank you so very much everything you have done. I have learned so much about tying flies and fishing by reading you articles and posts. Next I want to learn as much as I can from your articles and posts on photography. You are truly one of the great people in this world. It was a great honor to have met you in Idaho last September. I hadnt stopped by the chat room until last night but I was so glad I did. It was good to see you there for even a short time. Thank you so very much again.

    Take care everyone and cya around. Mark
    Take care and cya around,


  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Clara City, MN USA


    Perhaps I've posted this before, if so, apologies. I "met" Al after reading an article he had written for Midwest Fly Fishing Magazine. Listed was his e-mail, so I flashed off an e-mail and incredibly a reply was there the following day. I was telling my wife about that last night over dinner, when I gave her Al's update to us on this thread. He introduced me to FAOL, and I came for a few visits but didn't stay. A year or so later some of our exchange students wanted to see Mt. Rushmore, so I made a pledge with the devil. I'll drive as long as I can do some trout fishing in the Black Hills. I found Al's e-mail and asked what to do, where to go, the flies to use, and again, there was his reply the next day. A PT Nymph was the hot pattern, he wrote, and told me where to find it here on FAOL. This time I stayed a little longer. I didn't have a pheasant around, but brought my tying kit for I knew that between here and the Black Hills we'd see dozens of dead pheasant on the interstate. Aha, not a one. Then we got to Rapid City only to find a major blizzard, a wet and nasty thing, had turned the rivers into mud streams. Al had asked that I stop in while I was there. One of the boys on the trip had fallen in love with a young woman of questionable repute, and begged us to turn around and head back rather than motel or camp another night, and he was rather convincing with the other folks. As we drove past Schiels I promised myself if I was ever back I'd drop in and give my regards. That was my last trip to the Black Hills. On the way back, though, we saw the dozens of dead pheasants and I wrote a column for my paper, and a couple of months ago I sent that to Al along with my thanks for all he has given me. Is there a lesson here? Never put off today . . . God Bless. JGW

  6. #36



    Like others before me, I don't quite know how to say what I want to say, or how to put into words the feelings I have in my heart.

    I want to thank you for helping and guiding me in my tying and my other absorbtion, photography, especially photographing insects.

    When it comes down to it, I guess what I want to say, is, there is a place in the heart of this little english woman that will forever hold you in high esteem.


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Granbury, TX, USA


    I'd like to say "THANK YOU" again for all the knowledge you shared with me and others like me. Your willingness to do that has brought countless hours of happiness to many, many people.
    Know in your heart that this knowledge has been and will be shared with the kids I work with and will continue to make the world a better place.
    I feel blessed to have had the chance, and luck to be able to share some of things that I have learned because of you.
    Thank you my friend.

  8. #38


    Mr. Campbell, I consider myself new to this forum and to fly fishing, but I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all the articles and comments. You?ve been such a great help -- keeping me sane and laughing. Your enthusiasm is so infectious. There is nothing greater than the ability to pass on passion, and you, sir, have passed it twofold. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!

    Man is not made for defeat--Hemingway

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Mr. Al,
    As usually happens, we arrive late, so we have not had the honor to get to know you.
    You have accumulated a GRAND pile of referrences here. You should be proud. Friends is where the wealth is. I would like the chance know you.
    .....lee s.

  10. #40


    Thanks Al!

    Your series on digital photography has been a constant resource to me. Those that can teach, and have such a wonderful spirit about it that comes through in their writing, have a special place in my heart. I'm deeply greatful.


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