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Thread: for a welcome, I have been reading the things I got.

  1. #21


    ( HUG )


  2. #22



    I have been truly blessed, having you come into my life, as you have to so many others.

    As a friend, you have been the best. As a mentor, you have taught us so much, just in normal conversations. You impact on the Fly Fishing Fraternity (here at FAOL), has be far reaching, and you legacy will be carried on by those you have befriended!

    It is we students, who now have the task, to carry on what you started, how you so freely shared with us. You have been the perfect role model, of what it means to be an Angler.

    I can never thank you enough, for what you have done, and the difference you example has made in my life.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    silicon valley, usa



    I think it was Google that brought me here initially...following links for fly tying info and I struck paydirt big time on FAOL when Google pointed me at your words of wisdom.

    From the basics, to the challenges to keep things simple, to the tricks, tips, and techniques...it's all great stuff.

    Thanks for taking the time to share.


  4. #24


    Hi Al,

    I had never tied befor you taught me through FAOL this winter. I am looking forward to casting one of those flies at breakup this spring. You'll be right there with me.

    Thank you, Al.

    Bob Roseberry
    Eagle River, Alaska

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    We have never met except through FAOL, but I feel very close to you and am very sad that you are going through what you are. If only I could do something, anything to show how much I appreciate you for who you are and what you have done for me and many, many others. Al, it is with a tear in my eye, I sincerely love you and thank you.

    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2002


    Al I have sat here at the computer staring at a blank page now for about 20 minutes trying to find the words . The fly tying community has heard of your plight and your name has come up at shows in NY, Boston and Chicago. Also in phone conversations with tying friends in Nevada, Florida and Vermont and they all have asked about you and have had kind words. You have made an impression around the country and have shared your wealth of tying tips and methods with tyers around the globe thru FAOL. Our thoughts and prayers are with you my friend. We were all glad to see your post here. The dream is unfinished...my very warmest regards,...Bob

  7. #27



    Ever since you started this thread I've tried to find words to express my appreciation for what you've meant to us. Then, by our interactions, how you indirectly influence the fly fishers/tyers who we deal with. However, whatever words I come up with always seem inadequate. So, let me simply say, 'Thank You'. Thank you for how you've influenced us and how your influence will filter down to the newbies and even some of the old farts who, like me, are fortunate to know we still have a lot to learn.

    As Reuel always say, "God Bless".


  8. #28


    Howdy Al
    YOUR flies Catch Fish what more can be said.
    You have helped this ol man repair a rod or two so someone could enjoy there old fly rod a little longer.
    Your humor has kept me smiling long after the subject was past.
    Thanks friend.
    ol Al

    Ol' Flysoup
    Flycasting is as easy as flysoup

  9. #29



    A couple of years ago I sent you an e-mail regarding a product review you were doing on my product. It was after 1:00 AM when I sent it, before I could shut down my computer and call it a night you replied. You were working late on some photos and took the time to reply back and even trade a couple of emails. Your review was very professional and it was an honor to see your name on it. Thank You for sharing your wisdom and being the man that you are.

    Don?t give up the fight
    Your Friend


  10. #30


    Thanks Al, especially for the digital photography articles. I now take a camera every trip and show pictures of my flies at every opertunity on the BB.
    Although I have been ffishing and tying for quite a while, I still learnt a lot from your articles, thanks again from over the water.

    Donald Nicolson (Scotland)


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