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Thread: Your favorite bluegill patteren?

  1. #21


    well jim,

    i would like to her bout your last fishin trip with ur buddy and how many gills you caught.....it sounds like a goodin!


  2. #22


    I mostly try to stay on the surface. Gurglers are fantastic and a dropper if I get hard up. Also noticed that sometimes when they ignore the gurgler/dropper combo the spider seems to be just the ticket. Regarding the color, it's anything I can see.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060


    I tied an ugly fly last week that so far has out performed everything else I have for panfish, with the exception of the Black Widow.

    I noticed in Wal-Mart a while back, that people were buying these little green foam spiders with white legs like they were going out of style. About 3 weeks ago, I was playing at my Fly Tying desk and thought I would try to duplicate it, sort of.

    I have an Orvis dubbing assortment of Angora Goat, so I used a size 12 dry-fly hook (Mustad 94840) , and wrapped a ball of the light olive-colored dubbing at the bend of the hook to about the mid-shank. I tied on a white Chinese hen-neck hackle at mid-shank, and made another ball of the same Lt. Olive dubbing up to the eye, then whip-finished and laquered the head.

    I took a few to a local small lake that is full of 'Gills. They hit them like pirahnas! I tried several other patterns, just to be sure it was the fly, and it out performed everything I had except the Black Widow (which is pretty much a 'can't miss' panfish fly). I don't even have a name for it. It looks like a hairy green spider (sort of) with white legs, and moves great in the water. It sinks slowly on the retrieve (if you get that far with it. Most fish hit it as soon as it landed).

    Semper Fi!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Ft Wayne, IN


    "This year" it's been a yellow foam spider type fly and an ice-dub leech with a beadhead.


  5. #25

    Default wooow

    i was looking back at this cause i was trying to find some new flys and i was amazed at how many people participated in giving fly patterns and taking them in i hope that we could have some more patterns on this subject! I learned so much and i hope i could learn some more! thanks.....

    PS: i looked at the pictures and they were great if we could have more that would be great! thanks and i hope u learned something

    here's the question! "(If you could choose between 5 million dollars and fly fishing for 2hours with your dad what would you choose")["i would choose fishing with my dad!"]

  6. #26

    Default Jitterbee

    Caught 12 on it today.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Borger, Texas


    Hi Fisherkid,

    My favorite pattern is about as pure vanilla as it gets. Foam spider.

    I tie them on #10 and #12 Mustad 9672s, craft foam body, 8 rubber legs, and the colors that seem to work best for me are yellow, chartreuse, and peach. Friend Steve got me started on them.

    If those don't work, I may try a gray hackle peacock, some variety of pheasant tail, or a chenille bug of some type. I have a few other patterns that I have faith in too like a baby bass pattern, woolly worms, buggers, and others.

    I have a bunch of bluegill flies, but usually fish only a few simple patterns. If things get desperate I may try one of the others. A friend told me that I have enough bluegill flies for half of the county.

    It's too much fun to fish the spiders or a popper on the surface for me to go to a nymph at first. Although at this time of year the surface flies stay in the box.



  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    st. mary's county, md


    Id have to say the by far best gill pattern is an extended body mayfly with a wrapped deer hair tail and some chenille for a body with a good hackle wrapped around it. you can do this in any color but i like black chenille and brown hackle.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    913 Jackson Lake Rd, Chatsworth, Ga. 30705 (423) 438-1060


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Komar
    Hello All,

    For me, the Texas BullFrog on the surface:

    And the Black Widow below the surface:


    Still Hot Here in North Texas
    You took the words right out of my mouth, Richard.

    In addition, I also like a small bi-colored Chernobyle Ant, and small Gurgle-Pops.

    Semper Fi!

  10. #30


    Wooly bugger - #12 with a peack body and black rabbit fur tail.

    The Alien is my favorite top water now. I prefer a chartruese body with yellow legs and foam.

    http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytyin ... 5fotw.html

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