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Thread: Fly Tying Station

  1. #11


    I do live in Austin. Started fly fishing at the begining of this year. Started tying a month ago. Mainly klousers and wooley boogers.

    Usually i just read the postings, but this time i decided to post.

  2. #12


    Steve and Ron I feel the same way--another builder ,with the same bench, that has been around for years web site is www.masterpiece-woodworkers.com The same Tying Center shown at the beginning, with a drawer under the table that raises the vise even higher. I like mine mounted at least table high or lower. A bench like I build can be made from a bread board two side 3 inch wide 3/4 boards, one for thread ,glue bottles and the other side 35 mm film canisters for beads hooks etc. The rear 3 in board raised on two dowels with holes, store all the tools bobins etc. Fifteen to Twenty bucks at the most,Orvis had a price of $350.

    A tying bench is good for those that have to put tying equipment away on a shelf when thru tying--wives might object to euip sitting on the kitchen table. My tying room has the long table with tools and thread along the back wall,I sometime have a small tool holder to my left. BILL

  3. #13

    Default Austin

    I live in Austin as well. I like the Town Lake area around Shoal Creek. Have you tried there? I find that the bass love the Clouser there and the Panfish like small wet flies. If you haven't tried Town Lake you should. Just don't eat the fish!!!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Lake Tanwax, Washington

    Default RE: Fly Tying Station

    I agree with previous posters concerning keeping my area neat and a "place for everything and everything in its place". I've only been tying for a few years but am finding my own rhythm and style. However, in reference to a fly tying station I have to share my personal experience.

    My first "station" was purchased at an estate sale for $100. It was large, awkward, and had too many gadget traps/places for things to get lost. My second was purchased at SportCo for $225 - again, too many places for things I didn't have (but eventually got just so I could fill the space ). The thing I hated about both stations was the fact they were both "cookie cutters" - basically one size fits all with no room for personalization.

    Ahh, my third station. Total cost $15.00! I purchased one of those three-piece cutting board sets from the Wal Marche, some 1/4 in and 1/2 in dowels, and some magnetic sheeting. A little (very little) cutting, drilling, and dry fitting later I had a station/bench that fit my meager needs quite well. The groove around the large board was perfect to keep beads from spilling all over the floor; using a router I cut hook/bead cups; and the 1/4 inch dowel was fantastic for keeping spools of thread. Not only that, I was able to make the station the right height for where I normally tied. But just not quite enough room.

    I am now on my fourth station. Near nirvana - I used leftover melamine from a work bench I put up in my garage, more 1/4 and 1/2 in dowel, more drilling/routing, and more trial and error. The white background of the melamine is perfect when trying to find #22 hooks; I have much more area to work with; and, when I need to add a new tool or additional materials I don't hesitate to drill/route space in the station. Total cost for station #4? Zip, nada, nothing - everything was either left over or found in the garage. Stations 1 & 2 were sold to finance my addiction; station 3 has been modified so I can take it on the road with me for vacations (it's no longer glued together, just used wingnuts/threaded rods).

    My advice, for what it's worth, is that if you have a couple of hours to invest - build your own station. In the long run you'll be a lot happier with it!

  5. #15


    Bugger Flicker I love yor reply-- if you read mine above I do the same thing. Make a few to sell use one and of I dont like sell it, go out in the shop and cut some more wood. Easily made for $15 to $20. I memtioned one that Oris sold for $350 that was easily copied for $20. Your paying for the name------BILL

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