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Thread: Sad News

  1. #11


    Allan....Please know I am with you.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ithaca, NY USA


    Allan, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm thinking of you. Let me know if I can do anything.. sit and have a cup of coffee to whatever you need.
    "If I'm not going to catch anything, then I 'd rather not catch anything on flies" ... Bob Lawless

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    silicon valley, usa


    Sorry to hear about Sasha's tumors. We lost a Boxer to cancer last year so I know how you're feeling. Enjoy the time you have left with her.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Alan your pal will be in my thoughts and prayer. I have been down this road myself and it is never easy. Just remember the good times you have shared. Your FAOL family is here for you Alan.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    charlotte, nc


    been there my friend, I stil have Bernard's pic as my screen saver... it get bearable...... afterawhile

  6. #16

    Default sad news

    Hi, Allan,

    Our hearts go out to you. So glad that you do have a little more time together, although we know you've always been a friend to her ... your sweet pooches have been lucky to have you.

    Kat and David

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Anderson, South Carolina (Northwest corner of SC) USA


    Hi Allan,

    That is certainly very sad news about Sasha. If there is ever a bright side to news of this type, you still have time to spoil Sasha and let her know how much she is loved and cared for. Use your time well and it will help to ease the passage of your special friend. 8T

  8. #18



    Thanks for your well wishes. Sasha is sharing the floor right now between Bear and Diesel. Don't ask me how but I think they know she is ill. They just seem to treat her with more affection and are more gentle with her.

    If you'll allow me, I'll tell you how we 'adopted' Sasha and Bear.

    In June or July 1999, my wife got a phone call from a co-worker. Earlier that day this woman's daughter was a passenger in a car that was hit by another car driven by a drunk. The daughter was killed. The dam* drunk wasn't even scratched(that's another story). Anyway, the daughter had 2 pups and they were supposidly penned in the daughter's back yard. We were asked if we could just check to make sure they had water and food until the mother could figure out what to do with them. So we went over to the daughter's house to check. We went into the back yard and there were no pups. We decided to drive around and see if we could find them. I think it was in a nearby yard that we spotted a puppy with his leash stuck to a bush. The other puppy was standing watch right next to it. Honestly I don't recall which one was stuck and which was standing guard. I should mention that the two pups were not related. Anyway, we took them home. As near as I could guess, they were about 10 weeks old. You could say I bond too easily but they stayed and here we are. We did hear that Sasha was Black Lab and something, and that Bear was Golden Retriever and Rotty.

    Thanks again.


  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Harrisburg, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by tyeflies
    Sasha is sharing the floor right now between Bear and Diesel. Don't ask me how but I think they know she is ill. They just seem to treat her with more affection and are more gentle with her.

    Dear Allan,

    Forgive this comment if you think it sounds ridiculous, but to me what you describe above is the very essence of what makes a dog a dog.

    They always know.

    Best Wishes,

  10. #20


    This world knows nothing more pure than a dog's affection (and some, including me, might say love) for his/her human companions. It is no wonder that it's so hard to watch them suffer even one little bit! I fully expect there to be a special place "up there" for the men and women whose lives are touched by the likes of the noble dog. God knows that we will SORELY miss our two dogs when their times come...so until then we let them romp and play and do all the doggie things they can! I'm sure Sasha has had an incredible no-holds-barred good time with you, Allan. I feel for you - both the sadness in her suffering, and the elation at having given her an excellent life. Dwell on the positives, life's just too darn short to do otherwise.


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