I REACHED MY GOAL! ... of catching 100 bowfin on a fly. I needed 4 today to reach that goal, and I caught 6. From the first to the last, it took less than a year. In fact, not including the first one I caught in AR last June, I caught 101 in MO over a span of just 2.5 months...or about 10 weeks. I caught them from August 28 to October 9 (less than 1.5 months) last Fall, and then March 12-April 15 (just over a month) this year. I'm blown away... this was a crazy goal I never expected to reach, but am really excited I did. Bowfin are a flat out amazing, fun, and interesting fish to catch! I really love these fish!Here's some of the ones caught on the 15th.:I also caught a Black Bullhead:I tossed a fly into a pod of Grass Carp. The fly sank. Then my line started to move... a Common Carp had eaten the fly!