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Thread: Bookend TR

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia

    Default Bookend TR

    A couple days of rain and moderating temps have lessened the smoke so it's time for one more trip to put a wrap on the season. Once again, the neighborhood turkeys are there to see me off

    Nice to actually see the sky again

    Fires in the Park are still going strong, though; here's the one at Paola, just outside on the southern flank

    Clear sailing at the pass

    Still a few spots open at the campground; base camp established so it's time to go fishing. Lots of trico spinners flying around but by the time I get rigged up that's pretty much over so I head for a hopper/dropper spot

    She could show me a thing or two about fishing

    But I manage to stumble across some brown fish anyway

    Who show a preference for pink

    Just a tourist passing through

    SBS Index updated 2/21/18

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    Evenings and I find heads up on something

    Turns out to be trico duns

    of which I have none, and they definitely don't want the spinner; finally find something approximate (a greased softhackle)

    Which finds it's way in front of one stupid fish

    Next few days it's chasing heads/bankfeeders in the morning during the spinner fall

    Hoppers in the afternoon, and trying to coax them into eating the wrong flies in the evening (mostly softhackles). The caddis are very active but I can't seem to find too many fish looking up for them, or I'm just timing it wrong (don't seem to be on the same schedule as the emergence in Aug)

    Weeds are present, but manageable, until the last morning when every fish I hook burrows in like a muskrat; 6x tippet, while necessary = popoffs

    Time to leave the flooded parking lot and head for some different water. Get the trailer set up again and enjoy the view (every time I step out for a photo, the mosquitos take a pint of blood)

    Hooter on the crapper

    Just a tourist passing through

    SBS Index updated 2/21/18

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    Again, the age old question "why did the cormorant cross the road?"

    Heading for the canyons

    Early September and still a good flow

    Usually good for a fish or two here and they don't disappoint

    Didn't see any of the orange bugs but the fish were still interested in foam things

    Just add water

    And there you go; action wasn't frantic but for about 2 hours it almost seemed I knew what I was doing

    Last night out

    Just a tourist passing through

    SBS Index updated 2/21/18

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    Next morning I take a quick spin around the grounds; cruising for protein

    Interrupt a Merlin eating breakfast (sorry for the crappy windshield pic; forgot to turn the flash off and everything smeared)

    I'm guessing either a Wilson's warbler or Common Yellowthroat (many sighted this morning)

    Back thru the big gap

    Stiffy at Two Med (with respects to Ivan Doig)

    Nearly t-bone a black bear coming around a corner, luckily his brakes were in good working order. Decide to take a little rest and explore the possibilities


    A bit cool and they're not jumping at everything I throw; this works as well as anything

    Home stretch, heading for the barn

    Just a tourist passing through

    SBS Index updated 2/21/18

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Fort Morgan, Colorado


    thanks scott, great trip and wonderful pix ! We surely do enjoy your reports and tying sequences
    "Tap her light and she'll always be fresh"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    MANY thanks Scott......GRAND report!
    ....lee s.

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