Hi Guys,

Let me say again, there ARE TIMES when a person's life gets in the way of his/her participation in a 'swap' he or she has commited to. All of us (general statement) can empathize with that. Is it not too much to ask that that person COMMUNICATE to let the other swappers know that he/she will not be able to complete the swap because of a problem (no details are necessary)? Sure, it happens and I for one, if notified 5, 10, 15 or so days in to the swap have no problem. I do have a problem when, right near or on the due date, a swapper posts that he/she has had a problem for the last 4 weeks and could not tye the flies. Now that swapper has not had a problem posting about everything else but posting information about not fulfilling his swap commitment was not possible?

I think those of you who've been in a few swaps and received such information know what I'm talking about. Well, don't be discouraged. I think there are enough tyers looking for quality swaps they can participate in with tyers who feel as responsible as they are. They'll appear and the better the participation and the more successful they are, they will become more frequent again. At least I hope so.
