this year. Sage is probably right behind them. I look at all the rods that have been discontinued and would be happy to fish with most of them. I know, I know the new rods are lighter, they are thinner, they have built in alarm clocks, sonar,AK 47s and only cost about 7 to 800 bucks but I am taking a stand and will just fish my Sage LL#3 on the creek, and my im6 #4 Winston on the Henry's Fork, my GLX #6 Loomy on the Madison and a very nice Scott for the Clear Water. This isn't a rant, and I have no complaints, I know the great rod companys are just trying to keep their people employed and stay afloat and, in fact, are making great rods, it's just that I find so many of the older rods are still pretty darn fabulous.