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Thread: Varying traditional patterns/techniques?

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    Default Varying traditional patterns/techniques?

    I have a question for folks here. While I like to stay with traditional tying methods for most patterns, some I have come to tie quite differently over the years than the original. The one that stands out the most is the Elk Hair Caddis. The venerable EHC as we know and love it accounts for probably 75% of my dry fly fishing. And although I tie it differently, it remains extremely durable, seems to float better, and catches just as many fish. But my question is? How do you tie it? While at the bench tying some up, I got to thinking about this. And do you see any of the differences changing the patterns effectiveness on the water?

    Here is how I tie mine:
    1: Start thread, wind base, and stop thread at a point just above the base of the barb.
    2: Tie in Saddle hackle
    3: Dub abdomen
    4: Palmer saddle hackle forward
    5: Tie in cleaned and stacked elk hair (wrap down tightly to flare wing, then lift hair buts and build a slight chin of thread?.and whip finish. If size #10 or larger I actually apply a slight dub'd chin)
    6: Lift hair butts and cut head to size.

    I prefer genetic saddle tied 1 size smaller than a dry would call for. I think the saddle tend to taper a little less than neck hackle over the length of the feather.
    I tie in the hackle at the rear and palmer forward, excluding the wire rib.
    I don't cut my hair to length until after I?ve whip finished. Using the butt ends to help in lifting the hair out of the way to build a chin and whip finish. (the chin adds a bit of durability in my opinion)

    This is out of curiosity only. Not saying my way is better. Far-from it. But I am wondering how many others if any, vary their tying method? And why? I began over 20 years ago tying it in the classic manner. When exactly it changed?..I really don't recall?
    Last edited by NJTroutbum; 09-09-2010 at 02:52 PM.

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