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Thread: Braided Leaders

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  1. Default Braided Leaders

    Hello everyone,newer fly fisher here with a question.What is everyone's exp. with(edit) furled leaders in relation drag to free drifts and preference over mono leaders?It seems to me that the braided leaders tend to drag a nymph like a fly line that's is not mended.Any responses are appreciated.
    Last edited by ne flyfissure; 02-06-2010 at 02:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Coeur d'Alene, ID


    Are you refering to a "Braided" or a "Furled" leader? Braided leaders are hollow and tent to spray water. Properly constructed Furled leaders will not.

  3. Default

    Thank you jack.Yes furled leaders,do they create more of a drag when nymphing than mono?From what i have read they are the best leaders but when i watch one i see it creating a drag on the nymph and speed up its drift.

  4. #4

    Default Thread furled leaders .... that submerge ...

    ne flyfissure -

    Methinks your question is a bit broad to really answer, but I'll post a couple thoughts on the subject and expect others to chime it.

    For background, I started furling my own thread leaders about five years ago. I have used them almost exclusively since then for dry fly fishing, nymph fishing, and wet fly fishing. The exception would be fishing tandems of large weighted stonefly nymphs under an indicator with mono leaders for a period of time until I furled a beefed up thread leader that would handle that load.

    Regarding nymphing, I almost always use an indicator, but I have fished nymphs with the thread furled leader without an indicator on occasion. When using an indicator, it is placed on the furled leader, with the current speed and depth pretty much dictating where along the leader it is placed. Faster and deeper, the indicator is near the butt end of the leader. Slower and shallower, the indicator is near the tip end of the leader. The exceptions would be when using a dry fly as an attractor / indicator while trailing an emerger or nymph.

    With a thread furled leader, which is very supple, drag has never been a problem. My casting, or mending, or other line control issues might have caused a problem, but not the leader itself. In fact, it is my firm opinion that the thread furled leader is the best way to avoid drag for almost any kind of fly fishing because it is so supple. Also, whether fishing dries or nymphs, a submerged furled leader does a better job of eliminating drag in most situations than a floating furled leader or one made from a stiffer material.

    The thread furled leader above the indicator does a great job in achieving a drag free drift of the indicator, which means the nymph is likely being presented drag free also. The part of the leader below the indicator is also contributing to the drag free presentation by absorbing whatever currents there may be between the indicator and the nymph.

    Another plus with a thread furled leader. For the type indicators I use, it is quite easy to adjust the depth from the indicator to the nymph, and if the right method is used to secure the indicator to the leader, it will stay in place.

    The fish are always right.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    ne flyfissure,

    I will not attempt to answer your question as it is written. I make my own Furled leaders and nymph fish 99% of the time and have no problems with the drag.

    I think the most important thing we need, in order to answer your question accurately, is to know for sure if your question is in regard to a Braided leader or a Furled Leader because they both exist and a lot of people have tried Braided leaders and do not like them and they assume that a Furled leader is the same thing and it is not. There is a difference between them.
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  6. #6


    I am a very big fan of furled leaders and in their niche, I think they excel.

    One application that I recommend single strand mono is when you want some portion of the leader to sink. By design, a furled leader is going to have a wider cross section than a "equivalent" single strand leader. So there is going to be more resistance to being sunk, and more area to be caught in the currents.

    Of course as mentioned above, if you are using a strike indicator, a furled leader does a good job of getting the indicator out and under control, but I would recommend you go to single strand downstream from the indicator, i.e. the portion of the leader you want to sink.
    "People tend to get the politicians and the fishing tackle they deserve" -
    John Gierach, Fishing Bamboo


  7. #7


    I actually love braided leaders for dry flyfishing. I prefer a tapered Mono with a flourocarbon tippet for nymphing.

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