Well finally did it. Finished going thru all the jokes on this thread. Truely can't remember the last time I had laughed myself to tears. So great to know that there is still comedy out there that does not contain filth. Thank you to all who have posted. My last name ends in "ski" so I was the butt of all the polish jokes while I was growing up until I began asking the jokester if he spoke polish. He would say "no" and I would comeback with "How's it feel to be dumber than a Polack" That normally stopped all the polish jokes around me. In that vain you blonde women will have to come up with something too. Until then...

This blonde walks into a barbers and asks if he is capable of cutting a womans hair. He states that he can but she will need to remove the earphones she is wearing. "No, no, no" and she goes on to explain that she grew up in a small town in California where everyone was a blonde and all wore headphones. Her mom told her never to remove them. No problem growing up cause all the hair dressers in her town were blonde and cut and fixed hair around the earphones. Now in the big city all the hair dressers refuse to cut her hair untill she removes them.

"No problem" he says and she sits down for the cut and promptly falls asleep. He finishes, wakes her up and she is well satisfied so tips him heavily. This goes on monthly for about six months. Finally the barber can take it no more. The next time she comes in , she sits down for the cut and falls asleep. The shop is empty so the barber nervously removes the earphones from off her head and slowly begins to bring them up to his ears. Suddenly the blondes eyes fly open in surprise. She gasps for breath, turns blue and dies. The barber calls 911 but too late. as the ems' are leaving one of them notices the earphones lieing on the floor. He picks them up and puts them on and hears......

Breathe in.....
breathe out....
breathe in...
breathe out...