What is an American? ( A Briton can also be so described)
Today's events in Mumbai ( Bombay) India by , at this time, unknowns, brings to mind the below excerpted portion of a speech I recall.
Apparently the targets of today's atrocity were Americans and Brits. It's a wonder by what traits were these Americans and Brits identified and singled out?
Instead of all the financial aid we're sending their way, perhaps we should substitute toilet paper with a note " When you learn to use this, contact us for further instructions as to how to join the civilized world".

What is an American? An American cannot be defined by how wealthy he is or the car he drives. He is a person who comes from all parts of the world and speaks many languages; an American does not have one particular skin color, but his skin color may be one of many found in America. He comes in varies sizes and shapes. Regardless of his appearance, fortune, or culture, he still is considered an American. America opens the door to those who knock for an opportunity of freedom, a freedom difficult to find in most countries. An American can be described as one who is fortunate enough to experience a priceless freedom in a nation of many races.
