Davie Mcphail taught me how to tie flies. I very much enjoy his videos and commentary. Tight line production is another good one
Type: Posts; User: 1hook
Davie Mcphail taught me how to tie flies. I very much enjoy his videos and commentary. Tight line production is another good one
Awesome looking flies
I would just do a search of google, put what size and color your looking for and I bet something will pop up
Wow that sounds like blast. Post some trip pics/updates if you can. Always enjoyed them in the past
I like how the quail gives the impression of wings. I like to see a soft hackle wrapped with a rooster feather
Awesome thanks
Thanks for sharing, do you have a step by step for that hopper? Good looking pattern
Yea me too, nice pics
How about you Byron? Doing any fishing?
Love the look of the hackle Scott, would look good on some of the poppers I tie
Yea that collar looks great
Out of curiosity, do you cook for a big family or just for you?
Wow spinner your a cooking machine... looks great
I have a big spool in white that I color with markers and use for ribbing on dry flies
As mentioned dubbing wax helps... lots of pressure, more than you might think can help
I tried drop shot last season and didn't care for it. For whatever reason the shot being in that position really made my indicator dance all around as it ticked the bottom
I know there are a lot of different ways to add weight to your fishing set up. When fishing multiple flies and needing to get down deep, where do you typically add your shot and what's the thought...
Was thinking the same thing last chance!
Looks neat, I like the idea of sitting higher with your butt off the boat
Nice lookin fly, no doubt the trout will enjoy it
Seems like it would be a good mayfly imitation as well
I got plenty of 3 forks and think they are great rods for the price. Actually just bought one for my wife( at least that's what I convinced her)
I got it for some ridiculously low price online......
Those all look great, never tried the style or really even been a fan but seeing these ties has me interested. How do the wings hold up to fishing?
I want to invest in some rabbit fur strips, just not sure which style of cut I should get. I understand from what I have read the benefits of each style but I don't want to invest in basically two...
Ill 2nd the air lock strike indicators for heavy stuff or in Rapids, like the New Zealand system for a little better presentation of lighter rigs