That's pretty good for a first Rick
Type: Posts; User: Tig
That's pretty good for a first Rick
If you ask three fly fishermen you will get at least four opinions.
A bad day of fishing is better than a kick in the slacks or a sharp stick in the eye!
Swisher and Richards promoted mayfly dries without hackle . To some degree they felt the emphasis was on the wing and body. However it wasn't the only style they used. I suppose if the fish takes a...
Try Purity Fly Co. They are in Saskatchewan (Canada)
Very nice. And Christmas isn't that far away.
Therefore practice practice practice. Good one Steve!
I have some #6 scud hooks that cost me nothing but I have never seen anything tied on this size. Anyone know a pattern that calls for them??
Can't see anything in the link that would show it to be questionable. Looks pretty solid and usable.
Must be in excess of 20 yrs since I bought a leader. Sold a few but I always use a furled leader except when I can get away with a short straight mono or flouro leader.
I was going to suggest some improvements but there aren't any to be made. As nice a popper as I've seen especially when it has been hand carved.
Steve thanks for the input but being whole lot confused I could use more input on the process you described. Assume I am starting a new thread. How exactly do I add pictures???
I understand that we cannot post pictures through this board and it seems we cannot add attachments in our replies to threads either. I have looked at photo programs on the web like Flikr, Photo...
Great fly for speckled trout. I couldn't use it tho... just too dang pretty.
I noticed this thread was active again so I read it over. I had forgotten that I even posted it originally.:confused: I read in here where John S. says he had a seniors moment and had made a...
Could that "cheek" material be what they call holographic paper?
I have had some good days with a fly very similar to this. It was a pheasant tail nymph with a soft hackle tied in this way. Also tied some on a curved caddis hook and used copper wire for the...
I think I have seen those before (Michael's??). Might be something I'll try for some bass flies. Thanx for the heads up.
Great colour, one we use often. These would work great under an indicator and drifted just off the bottom (I am assuming bass).
There are better options for attaching a ring to a furled leader than clinch knot which by the way I use all the time for most other applications.
Do a search on this site for Attaching rings to...
A bad day of fishing is better than a kick in the slacks or a sharp stick in the eye any time!
When you are trying to put God in a box don't be surprised when you turn around and He is handing you another nail.
I too am older than dirt! Think I'll go fly a kite.:rolleyes:
One of the basic advantages of DT lines is that you can get twice the life out of them by just turning them around when one end wears out. The other is that they tend to roll cast better (easier?)...
Just wondering how many miles of river have been waded since those pictures. :D