over the years I've been tp 31 "Conclaves", now otherly named. My first was at Aspen in 1971. David Nelson, a hand surgeon, who was active at the time, was the editor
and did the job for, I'm...
Type: Posts; User: SweetStreamS
over the years I've been tp 31 "Conclaves", now otherly named. My first was at Aspen in 1971. David Nelson, a hand surgeon, who was active at the time, was the editor
and did the job for, I'm...
Sadly Frank passed away a few years ago.
I believe that the owner passed away. He was Harry Mason, a great tyer
Humpys are fun too. Not really difficult to tie, but to get the right
proportions is very tricky.
You are spot on. Troublesome to have to look up a hook on a conversion chart.
Some times the simple description is the best. If the tyer insists on including
mfg. Maybe he/she could...
I've been wondering why no one has chastised us for the "cripple" term.
Should we be using disabled instead? Hah!
Seriously Hans,
Why do you suppose so many tyers use a whip finish tool? I...
What a loss. Harry was one of the finest tyers I know and had a wonderful step
by step website.
Step #9: Throw away $tree plastic bags.
Lady Flyfisher,
Please enlighten me. I go to the FOTW and type in Roy Christie in the SEARCH and then what? Do
I have to search throught the years until I find Roy's stuff? I'm sure it's simple,...
Amazing! I hate cyberspace!! I've been trying for several days by phone/website - nothing.
You say it worked for you so I try again. Sure enough it worked.
You can't make this stuff up. Thanks...
That's the one I've been trying. Nothing works. I'm
still hopeful, but I'm afraid they are belly up.
This outfit has a great website and apparently has been around awhile.
I've tried to email/phone them with no luck.
I'm beginning to suspect that they are a victim of our wunnerful
economy. ...
Was that Syvester Nemes???
Great reporting. I'm the guy you guided on the Madison when you found the beaver. I'm still tying
off of that pelt. Keep up the great reporting.
I sent a message to your inbox.
Although I've used the photobucket method, I'm surprised that someone hasn't
come up with a way to "Attach" ala email.
Although I've done the photobucket thing, I'm surprised that someone hasn't come up with a way
to "Attach" photos ala email. Sure would cut out the "Monkey motion".
I had the privilege of watching George Grant tie his flies at an FFF
Conclave in Sun Valley in the 70's. He was a master.
Todd Collins of Butte, MT specializes in George Grant memorabilia and instruction in tying
woven hair flies. Ph. 406-782-2464, email: collinsfam@in-tch.com. (this is from a business card
I got from...
Here are some great photos of George's flies. there are a few other fellows
that are continuing his art.
I use the dental floss threaders occasionally, but prefer a Surger sewing machine threader. Longer, rigid
and fits through all my bobbin tubes. Ever try one??
For rank beginners I'm surprised no one mentioned Helen Shaw's book. Oldie but goodie
I'm having trouble finding a recipe for the "Metal Detector" Steelhead
fly. Any ideas?
Thanks Duck,
I'll Check