I?m so sorry to her of the Ladyfisher?s passing. Her articles and bulletin board posts were instrumental to me when I was learning to fly fish.
Type: Posts; User: Darryl
I?m so sorry to her of the Ladyfisher?s passing. Her articles and bulletin board posts were instrumental to me when I was learning to fly fish.
I don't sell any. I've found that making money off of something I love tends to make me start regarding it as a "job". That being said, I do give quite a few away. Those I give away go mostly to...
The two I use most often are an Orvis CFO on my 4 weight. I like it mostly because it's got that classic look and it's light. The other one (and one I use most often) is a Hardy Lightweight on my 5...
Personally, I'm not into it either. It somehow seems to "lessen" the sport, at least to me. Usually my fishing partner and I don't even count how many fish we catch (other than the first one). To...
In order my preferences are:
1.) Dry Fly; 2.) Soft Hackle Wet Flies; 3.) Nymphs and 4.) Streamers.
After tying on vises by Renzetti, Dyna-King and HMH, I've been tying on a Regal Medallion with the stainless jaws exclusively for the past four years now. I really can't say enough about the vise. ...
I still use many of the older flies too. The Adams (with upright, hackle-tip wings) is one of my favorites. The Pheasant Tail is my "go-to" nymph, although I do have to admit a preference for the...
+1 on Regal customer service. Anytime I've ever contacted them for anything they've gone above and beyond my expectations. It helps that they also put out an outstanding product.
Thanks everyone for the replies. As there isn't any place locally I could cast the Winston, so I went and tried out a few Sage's today at a local dealer and ended up coming home with a Sage VXP 9' 5...
I'm strongly considering purchasing a Winston Boron IIT, 9' 5 weight. I'm not a fan of fast action rods so the Boron IIT seems to fit me. There aren't any local shops were I could cast this rod...
My "home" waters are 28 miles or 45 minutes, however you choose to see it. It's a nice little secluded stream in western Pennsylvania that holds mostly stocked fish along with some hold-overs and if...
I tie on a Regal Medallion (it's the non-rotary) vise with the stainless steel jaws. I tie 1,000+ flies a year on it, ranging in sizes from #4 on the large end down to #26 on the small side. It...
I'm working on stocking up on #16 Sulpher Parachutes, #16 Sulpher Emergers and #16 Sulpher Spinners in preparation for a four day trip in May.
For me it's black Sumatran coffee. Never any food at the tying desk though.
Well, picked up an 18 Watt Ott Light yesterday at Joanne (with a 50% off coupon). Tried it last night with several flies....a #14 Parachute Adams, a #18 Stimulator and a #24 Olive Midge. It was...
LOL. I tie semi-commercially and it seems my orders all are in the #18-#20 sizes. Don't get me wrong, I tie a good deal of 14 and 16's as well. One of my most productive flies around here is a #18...
Hi guys. I know you will be able to provide loads of opinions. Any recommendations for a new tying light? I've been using a McKenzie Bright Light for about ten years now and really like it, but...
I fish mostly Pennsylvania freestone and limestone streams. I carry three boxes: General Patterns, Imitator Patterns and a small box of midge patterns.
These are the patterns that are in my...
A.K. Best, Lefty Kreh, Ron Kusse, John Gierach, Joan Wulff, Denny Conranch, etc.
I no longer use head cement of any kind. I got really frustrated with it either clogging my eyes or spilling on my desk, so now I just simply use a double whip finish. I've been using the double...
I'm very partial to the A.C. Caddis. It's not particularly easy to tie, but it's really not as hard as it first appears after you tie a few. I'll fish it during a grannom hatch usually.
William & Joseph Chest Pack is to qqualls! Thanks!
St. Croix Legend Elite is SOLD.
St. Croix Legend Ultra 8' 4wt. is SOLD.
Ohiotuber, sorry I haven't got a Paypal account. A personal check or money order would be fine though.