Why we protect our eyes
I came across this clip yesterday and it reminded me what a risk I take when I fail to wear eye protection in low light conditions. I am sure that I am not alone in being so lapse about such an important piece of safety and would share this with you.
Warning the content is a little gory [url=http://bjo.bmjjournals.com/content/vol87/issue9/images/data/DC1/chen_final.mov:ab7c0]http://bjo.bmjjournals.com/content/vol87/issue9/images/data/DC1/chen_final.mov[/url:ab7c0]
Extract from the British Medical Journal
Member of B.A.S.S [url=http://www.ukbass.com:ab7c0]http://www.ukbass.com[/url:ab7c0]
The link gave me ACII characters.
Is there another way to get to it.
I'll be going this afternoon to get a spare pair of glasses.
ALWAYS wear eye protection. A customer at the shop I used to work for had a mishap that became very serious. He was just standing out on a boat dock, casting a little popper at some bluegill. Somehow the hook managed to puncture his eyeball, and release the fluid and all that. He had to go to the doctor twice a day for over three weeks so they could maintain the gas bubble they put in his eye so it would retain its normal shape. The doctor told him that if they hadn't applied ice to the wound as quickly as he had, he probably would have lost the eye.
My worst moment Fly Fishing - trying to help a young teenage boy get emergency help for the fly in his eye.
Don't even think about fishing near me without eye protection - you will get the whole story and more!
Let No One Walk Alone
Excellent video, thanks!
aka Cap'n Yid.
Stev Lenon, 91B20'68-'69
When the dawn came up like thunder
I teach children fly casting and glasses are a required All flies have pinched barbs I ask for a volunteer to demonstrate hook removal--no one comes forward so I resort to the orange.
Sorry Rick Z, it is the only link I have.
Member of B.A.S.S [url=http://www.ukbass.com:48940]http://www.ukbass.com[/url:48940]
A couple years ago the TU calendar had a picture of a small child on the back of a fly fisher. Neither had glasses. I went balistic. I can remove hooks from flesh, but an eye would freak me out. I think it was Oakly that had a print campaign a couple years back with a royal wolf imbedded in an eye. All the ad said was wear eye protection. It stuck with me since.