7 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hey, Eric! Happy, happy birthday! Enjoy!
  2. View Conversation
    Happy, happy birthday! Have a fantastic day! Do lots of fun stuff!
  3. View Conversation
    Happy birthday Eric. Hope you had a great day.Jim
  4. View Conversation
    aA double - Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day (and first day of summer too). Have a great one.
  5. View Conversation
    Just wanted to wish you a most happy, happy birthday! Hope you have a great day filled with fun, family, fishing, and lots of love.
  6. View Conversation
    Hi Eric, thanks alot. It's honestly a good feeling to know you have friends.
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About Eric-WD

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Date of Birth
June 21
About Eric-WD
according to my Doctor I should be taller
Prescott AZ
Family, Church,Fishing and Reading
Gill bum
Years fly fishing:
Anti-Robot Math:


"Complexity is easy; Simplicity is difficult."
Georgy Shragin
Designer of ppsh41 sub machine gun


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09-16-2024 03:11 AM
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on my soapbox again

by Eric-WD on 08-21-2009 at 08:42 PM
Of the thousands of fishing sites on the internet I come to FAOL a lot, when I have the time I check the board three or more times a day just to keep in touch. I am a member of two or three other fishing sites but rarely post and only log into the boards once or twice a week to check for P.M.?s. I come here to get away from the world, if I want to be sworn at, yelled at or talk politics I can go to work, or read any number or other ?fishing? boards.

When I log in here I know that FAOL is going to be Rated G or PG13 at the most and know that the content is safe for my kids or friends kids. I know that when I come here I will find good people with ideas about fly fishing or related topics. While there are a lot of topics we don?t agree on in this earth we can all come here and talk fishing, and agree that fishing is something worth our time. It doesn?t mater what country we are from, what political party we are with or what religion we do or don?t belong to, this site is pure clean fishing and I really appreciate that.

My thanks go out to those who make FAOL what it is, the Management and the moderators and the other members. Thank you for giving me a small place in this world that is as free as possible from the day to day garbage of this world.


I'm Pulling for you

by Eric-WD on 03-28-2009 at 03:47 PM
I read the board and feel true sorrow and worry for all the people out there who are suffering for lack of money. I have been where you are and know your pain and worry.

At this time my families needs are met just no money for extras. When I see the for sale board with all the equipment people are trying to sell with no takers I worry. If I could I would be buying your rods etc. but I can't. All I can offer is a little advise.

For those of you suffering, keep your heads up, From someone who has been where you are, It will get better, don't lose your health worrying about things. if you loose all your things, you will in the future get new things. A thing is something that can be bought or sold.

What matters now is your family, your health etc. You may not be able to afford to fish your favorite waters but go fish some waters. You may not be able to fish for your preferred fish, but may learn to love the challenges of a new fish. A fishing licence, a 6wt, a box of flies and a puddle of water to cast in, its inexpensive mental health therapy.

Thanks for reading and for those of you in trouble, keep your heads up.

And as RedGreen says

I'm pulling for you


I tried to fish

by Eric-WD on 02-16-2009 at 02:51 AM
Yesterday, Valentines day I invited my Wife Bonnie to go for a drive with me. It was Saturday morning and a drizzle was falling, I mentioned that I wanted to go north, I had many motives for this trip, alone time with my wife, see more of the area and there are two lakes in this county that are open year round for fishing. I was going to try and scout one of them. I told my wife of this plan and promised that when I found the lake that we would spend a few minutes there as it was too cold for me to fish long.

We left about 10:00 and went out along Hood Canal, I drove to the area that the lake is in. I had two maps of the county along both of them showed the lake neither of them showed the road to it. (should have been a clue) This winter has been white and the dregs of slushy snow fill the fields and road sides. My plan had been to drive a circle around this lake and look for a road that went that way. Unfortunately when I got to the top of the circle I came to an unimproved road that hadn't been plowed and had to turn back, so my thought of casting a line for a few minutes died. I will go back with a better map in a month or so when it gets warmer.

We returned to highway 101 and drove north along Hood Canal it was time for lunch and we spotted a diner. (I have lived here for six months and have yet to find a restaurant that I want to go back to.) This diner had the looks of a good place. (before noon, tourist area in the off season and it had cars parked in the lot and was busy) Bonnie and I went into the diner and I felt right at home, it was full of locals and on the wall was a big "Go Ducks" sign. This is Husky country and for a business to actively support the Ducks the food must be good for the locals to stay. I on the other hand grew up in Eugene and am a fan of UofO athletics so the duck sign made my week.

The food was good Ruben for me, Fish and chips for Bonnie, Ruben was crisp not soggy and the fish was fresh. I will make sure to go back.
Over all it was a great three hours.

Thanks for reading


not a good day to quit

by Eric-WD on 12-26-2008 at 06:43 PM
It was supposed to warm up. it was supposed to stop snowing, it was supposed to.......... it isn't warmer. it is snowing.
I should have picked a better day to stop drinking coke. (my drug of choice)


I want to go back

by Eric-WD on 12-09-2008 at 12:26 AM
I finally got the regulations for Washington. All the warm water fishing is closed to the end of April. I was feeling bad as where I moved from I could fish year round for warm water species. Then I realized as I was walking around in shirt sleeves that I might be able to fish year round in Idaho but all the water is frozen until the end of April. I guess there isn't much different from Can't fish due to law of Nature and can't fish due to law of man.

Thanks for Reading
