FlyAnglers OnLine
The fraternity of fly fishers
Since 1997
Gerri, Thanks very much for your suggestion and I will look for a better way to post the pics. Being focused on the video portion I could probably do a better job on the standing pic as you suggested. Maybe even take a snp from the video itself? Do the video view OK for you? I have tried several different shirt colors in order to make them as clear as possible. Thanks again, Ralph
gerri, Really glad that they made the trip and that you like them. Be sure to let me know how they fish for you. You do not owe me anything for them but I do appreciate the Berkley Transition Gold. Our closest Bass Pro is 80 miles away in Nashville and I am not real fond of driving in the traffic in Nashville and try and stay away from there as much as I can. If there is ever a need for another Furled Leader, just let me know what material you need it made from and I will get it made up for you. If you have any questions about Furled Leaders, be sure and ask away and I will answer them. I will look forward to hearing from you after you fish them. Warren