18 Visitor Messages

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    Ron,Thank you very much for your generosity. This young man will be thrilled to receive these flies. He is ten years old and has Cerebral Palsy so he can not participate in sports or many other physical activities. He recently started fly fishing and is absolutely hooked on it. I really appreciate your willingness to pitch in to brighten his day. My address is Jim Smith2450 Winnipeg DriveLakeland, FL 33805
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    It's because we need guys like YOU to ""kick this in the ***". It's become a bit of PC bullshit and YOUR input would certainly help.
    I have pissed off just too many of these libs to make a dent now...........we need "old" blood to revitaloze things.
    Sat "hi" to VEE.
  3. View Conversation
    If the VA is taking a long time get ahold of your Us Senator or Represntative and have them check into it.
    From a former eye DR.

  4. View Conversation
    Hey Ron,
    Please respond to this . You and I had some common concerns onct upo a time so........
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    http://biareview.com/ http://anztheme.com/ trung tam dao tao ke toan thanh lap cong ty tu van phap luat dich vu ke toan cach hoang hau nay bi bo khong, no da duoc sua lai thanh noi de phi tan, menh phu phu nhan nghi ngoi cho y chi cua hoang thuong.

    Chiet Tu Du ngoi trong day mot luc, thay nham chan lien dung day di ngam nghia cac thu xung quanh. Nang nhin thay tren chiec an o goc dien co mot chiec ty ba, lien buoc toi xem. Dai Chu Hau tinh thong thu su, gioi ca hat, dac biet la choi ty ba rat hay. Chiec ty ba nay truoc day dai Chu Hau con song da dung. Tuy hoang de va nuong nuong khong con den day nhung trong cung dien nay moi thu van duoc quet don sach se, chiec dan ty ba cung duoc bao quan rat tot.

  6. View Conversation
    Hey Ron, I tried to add you on Facebook the other day and it won't go through, how are ya'? haven't heard from you in a while.
    Merry Christmas!
    ~Thomas Snyder
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    Steve and Linda Hall will be in Idaho this September. A bit behind in my contacts. still trying to figure out how to get the login to save my info so I dont have to keep remembering my password!!!!

    Steve, Linda
  8. View Conversation
    What are the date for Idaho this year I will notmiss another one.

    David,Tuckernotcarlos & Dianna
  9. View Conversation
    I thought I was a fairly good fly tyer ... till I saw the works of the fellows on the UK site!! They challenge me daily! Wonderful, talented, extremely patient people! I love being Auntie Em! Cocky old bat!

    Can't wait for the book to be available again.
  10. View Conversation
    You heard about the new book from Auntie Em??? What a marvelous old lady she is!!!
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About Ron Eagle Elk

Basic Information

Date of Birth
October 3
About Ron Eagle Elk
Grew up in N&S Dakota
Carmel, ME USA
Fly fishing, Fly Tying, Pow Wow Singing
Retired Army
Years fly fishing:
Over 40
Anti-Robot Math:


Happiness is wading boots that never have a chance to dry out.


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08-25-2023 10:22 AM
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