Conversation Between MSD53X and Derik

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Derik;
    I live in Sanford. I like to tie my own 'cause the flies that were for sale around here didn't work. They were tied to catch the fisherman, not the fish. I tie mine skimpy, they WORK.
    Haven't been trolling much past couple years. My fishing bud passed away (cancer got him) and he had a really nice pontoon boat. We used to fish Great East Lake, Mousam Lake, Wison Lake, and Horn Pond. All in the Acton area. And in Shapleigh there is Square Pond ( that is where the record Brown for the state always comes from.

    Good Luck with your fishing Derik, if you want to know what is working, I would suggest tying some King Smelt, Arnolds,Govenor Aikens, Sneakers,Mickey Finns,and some Black Ghosts

    If you have any questions feel free to PM me anytime
  2. Hey saw that you are from Maine, I'm from Skowhegan, went to college in Machias where a friend of mine introduced me to trolling streamers for salmon and thus began my tying addiction. What part of Maine you from?
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