Individual taste in books varies as much as the favorite rod or fly. With that in mind, we hope to review books and videos from the ever-growing fly fishing world, and share them with you. Books will be the best of all worlds, new and old. Many of the old books are now available in reprint, and the wisdom contained is timely today. Others can be found in second-hand book stores, or by mail order dealers. As we find videos we feel are outstanding they will be included. Be assured, reviews are based on what we have actually read or viewed, and due to that fact, may not appear weekly.


Reviewed By Deanna Lee Travis - Apr 9, 2012

The Telling of Waters

The Telling of Waters is the second book on the author Ralph E. Long and his adventures with a fly rod. This time he begins each story with a detailed pencil sketch of the subject of the story, which is a very nice touch. These are stories of trout, pan fish, steelhead and catfish all captured on Ralph's flies.

A quote from the back cover explains the purpose of this book: "For those of us who pursue fly waters, they provide us each with something uniquely different. Within these essays you'll fish alongside the author as he shares his time with both fly rod and sketch pad in hand. As you wade through his journal you'll catch a glimpse of what he personally takes away, and what the waters tell him in return."

Ralph's personal observations on fly fishing can be summed up with the following quote: "Seldom, if ever, do I find myself leaving water in a lesser mode then the one in which I arrived."

The short, 200 page, self-published volume of fly fishing stories with accompanying pencil drawings has 22 stories in all, and each one is 2 or 3 pages long. The stories are personal memories of the author and insightful observations on fly fishing in theory and practice.

The Telling of Waters is a nice read, a great book to take to bed, or to enjoy during an afternoon along your favorite stream or lake before an evening of angling.

The Telling of Waters
Author: Ralph E. Long
200 pages, Paperback - $19.00
ISBN 9781469902654


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