J. Castwell
April 12th, 1999

Castwell Cleans Up!

As the coming trout season arrives I am reminded of the seasonal quandary I go through. Whether to try some exciting new place, or go to one of my old stand-by-well-known-favorite-places. There is always the lure of finding that 'wonderful' new stretch of fine trout stream, often exalted by some good friend who even offers to take me along and show me just where the 'big-un's' are.

The season offers and encourages the fraternity which the winter months often deny. A time for fellowship and comradery. A time to be where the trout are; and to share that time with good companions. Perhaps a time to make new friends.

The plans are being made now, trips organized, tackle prepared, new stuff purchased. The phone calls are placed and attention to the little details that have been developing in our minds during the past season. All is in readiness.

The decisions will be made and the magic day will dawn to find you all set to GO! Nope, not the opening day, not the day of the first time out. For many, it's the day before we fish.. It's the day we leave for the place where will meet and 'ply our trade.' A lot of guys will meet at a campground at a lake or river the day before and set up camp, perhaps have a camp-fire the evening before, discuss the past months, and make plans for the next day. A fine addition to any fishing experience.

When the time to fish arrives it will usually find us up around dawn and out on the stream. Fish for a while, come in for lunch, make minor tackle changes, spend some of the afternoon in relaxation, and after some dinner go out for an evening on the lake or stream. Then return to a camp-fire for the wonderful 'evening of the first day.' Heady stuff, the fabric of memories, the gathering of hunters.

Ok, so you don't camp. You get up early, drive like heck, and make a dead-run to the stream to get a place on the water. The point here is the middle of the day. The time when you take the break from the fishing. Here is an idea I would like you to consider. It has added many hours of real satisfaction to numerous fishing trips. Kinda gives a 'warm and fuzzy' feeling for having done something just because it was the right thing to do.

Take a couple of plastic bags with you and spend a little of the mid-day picking up trash, cans, and the junk left by those who were not yet informed on the importance of toilet-training. Sure, 'they' should have known better. Does that let you off the hook? You do know better. With the right attitude you can get the job done and not feel poorly about it. Remember, the guys who left the stuff will probably learn not to do it anymore. Someone will replace them, and they will have to pick up behind those guys. It's an ongoing thing. Don't forget, your mom use to pick up after you; now it's your turn.

This type of stewardship is a bit like Fly Anglers on Line. . . if WE don't do it, who will? ~ JC

Till next week, remember ...

Keepest Thynne Baakast Upeth

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