Lighter Side
March 8th, 1999

Here Rover

By Ed Zern
From How to Catch Fishermen

Fishing in a Adirondack pond, Dave Kirkbride and I each caught a native trout exactly nineteen inches long, and I was impressed to find on cleaning them that mine had a chipmunk in its stomach. At least I was impressed until I read about the 2,225-pound white pointer shark caught by Sir Willoughby Norrie, Governor of South Australia, last year. When the shark was opened its stomach was found to contain, among other things, two full-grown seals and a collie dog.

I presume that for weeks thereafter all the more ambitious anglers in those parts where torn with doubt as to whether to troll a seal or a collie dog while shark fishing; and if this sport has anything in common with trout fishing there were undoubtedly fierce arguments among the local shark fishermen as to the precise size and color of collie that was most desirable, and quite possibly there was a certain amount of experimenting with French Poodles, St. Bernards, Russian wolfhounds and other available breeds.

At any rate I recall that a lady of acquaintance was pushing a perambulator down the main drag of a New Jersey fishing resort shortly after the remains of a baby had been found in a large mako, and when she caught the local shark-fishing champ eying her six-month-old daughter speculatively she felt obliged to warn him that she'd tolerate no shenanigans. Ed Zern

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