Fly Angler's OnLine "Fly of the Week #40"

Boulton's Special

by Jim Birkholm
June 1st, 1998
Fly Of the Week for 6/1/98
Photo courtesy of Frank Amato Publications
from Fly Patterns of British Columbia
Thanks for use permission.

This is an opportunity for you to tie a 'Fancy' fly without needing too many exotic feathers. It will give you an impressive fly and a start toward some of the more complicated ones. Give it a try and you will have a serviceable fly for steelhead and well as having gained the tying experience.

Hook: Number 2 or 4, 6 extra-long.
Thread: Black.
Body: Flat, silver tinsel.
Tail: Small, whole, golden pheasant, red breast feather.
Throat: Golden pheasant red breast feather.
Wing: Two badger hackles extending to the tip of the tail,
veiledwith white hackles, and with a golden pheasant
crest feather overall.
Cheeks: Jungle cock.

Tying Instructions:

There are no tying instructions for Boulton's Special. Many published books on fly tying give a very good photograph of the fly, and the recipe - but no instructions. Give this one a try, just going by the materials.

This fly was the brainchild of Denny Boulton, a resident of West Vancouver and a fisher of the Capilano River. It was first tied as a smmer steelhead fly in 1955. Many years later, in the Totem Fly Fisher's newsletter the Totem Topics, Boulton related the fly's development:
"Originally tied for the lower Capilano River, this streamer was conceived at one of the Boulton, Moir, and Traeger fly-tying sessions.

It would be nice to say that a steelhead dashed away with it immediately, however, that was not the case. But, as time passed summer steelhead started to impale themselves on it with reasonable regularity. Don Traeger make a valiant effort at conservation by wagers against said streamer but found himself quickly paying for several steak dinners wh ich were greatly appreciated."


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