The following is a list of tyers who have joined this swap so far:

1) Andy B tying the Jazz Boa

2) Mikeytwoshoes tying a Kiwi Muddler

3) ftroop7 tying a Clouser

4) cctyer tying the Red Fox Hairwing


6) Mike Popick tying the Royal Coachman Bucktail

7) flyfishmichigan tying the Black Ghost

Bugsy tying the Dr. Burke

9) trout hunter 77 Tying the Ballou

10) Blackwolf tying the Olive Matuka

11) Leo C tying the Black Nose Dace

12) wet fly guy tying the Spruce

13) RW tying the Chappie

I will update this post every time a person joins or provides me a pattern.

THIS SWAP IS FULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by Andy B (edited 15 December 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Andy B (edited 06 January 2006).]