Depending on the waters you fish most regularly, you may want a system that allows both an anchor and a drag. Since I usually fish relatively still waters, I have found that a two foot piece of heavy chain anchors me just fine. To provide flexibility, I cut the chain into two pieces, one six inches long (it is a heavy duty chain) and the other 18 inches long, I have these two sections clipped together with a heavy duty carabine. When I want to anchor, I use the whole length of chain, when I just want to slow my drift in a stiff breeze, I unclip the 18 inche piece of chain and use only the six inch piece as a drag and it works great. However you rig your anchor system, I would recommend that you use floating nylon rope. That way, if you need to cut your anchor line in an emergency, you can recover your anchor. Just a thought...

Jim Smith

[This message has been edited by James Smith (edited 22 June 2006).]