ohio tuber, et. al thanks

i'm located in the middle of oregon...

little farm pond/lake.

the smallies are plump this year. i've taken a dozen in the 3lb range and a couple larger...

the lmb are a bit slower to come on the bite... i've only gotten two and those were today - both dinks.

these are my first targeted smallies on a fly rod. i'm using an 8'6" Dan Craft Fast Taper 3wt (built last season) to fish rather small marabou leaches and no. 10 madam X's.

the backbone and power in this little rod has suprised me, ample rod to handle these bass.

all fish were released unharmed - there is an unresolved question about the possiblities of heavy metal content in the fish of this particular lake/pond.

shame because i would love to try smallmouth bass. i've been told they are very acceptable table fare.

