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Thread: Bass at Night

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Long Island, New York

    Default Bass at Night

    I have never been successful at night on my upstate new york lake for bass or panfish??
    What am i missing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    The strike.....?
    Our water stays warm enough during the night during the summer. Maybe......?
    ....lee s.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Long Island, New York


    Is that what that hard tugging at the end of my line is.... a fish?
    Seriously though, no it is actually nice a warm up here in the summer. THere is no weather/temparature reason. Can it be that my lake has no nocturnal feeding?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    How often do you try?
    Some nights we have had to endure several completely in-active hours before all he!! broke loose. We targeted a specific pond last season several times (4 different months) during full moon periods. We were surprised by the results. We expected "hot" action. We experienced mediocre action usually. We only fished top-water...?
    Our night forrays to the delta have produced varying success rates too.
    Maybe a full moon helps US see more than it helps the fish to see....?
    Do you fish near lights? There are several lighted spots that are productive for stripers nearby....?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    I agree with you about sunfish not biting at night but I think that's because the bass are on the prowl and it isn't safe for a sunfish to be out and about. That being said, I caught some very large bass at night. I like to use an all black streamer with white or pearl colored eyes or a topwater slider or gurgler (both in black) if the conditions are right. Night fishing can be a blast and the strike even more exciting when you can't see a thing.

    Jim Smith

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Clara City, MN USA


    I love bass fishing at night. Done it since I was a teenager, and only with a fly rod. Although someone posted here that color makes no difference, that any fly is a silhouette at night, I still prefer to use black and topwater. Great strikes. Great blind fights with fish. Love fumbling around to lip 'em knowing there's a hook somewhere in there. That's about as close to the edge of excitement I as get nowadays. JGW

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Mattydale NY


    I hear a lot about bass fishing at night...Here's my q....why is it that I catch bass steadily....right up till the last rays of sun disappear from the horizon...and then suddenly Nota,Zip,Zilch....?????

    Anything I am missing..I have caught quite a few gill's well past nightfall on a Black Gnat Dry in and around a size 6.....I don't doubt that fish of some kind do continue the bite after the twilight hours...Crappie seem rather more willing to accommodate too...but the bass just never seem willing...even with water temps in the bath water range...

    Am I doing something wrong????
    Wish ya great fishing,Bill

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    I read somewhere that it takes a bit of time for their eyes to adjust.....?
    Used to fish Khalotus L. in Wa. where the BG's and crappie did well for about 1 1/2 hours after night fall. The bass did well in the dark too, but we did them on different nights....?
    .....lee s.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Salt Lake City, Utah


    my experience and reading knowledge has been very similar to what Lee S responded with. Which is that at some point just after sunset the fish may go off the bite due to "lighting conditions" and due to the visual acuity or light adjustment period of the fish species. Seems we may have read the same article about fish eyesight.

    Also, I have personally experienced hot and cold bites on the same night, same waters. And it does appear to be cyclical or time related -either earth rotation or length of time after bright daylight fades to dusk(hot bite) and then dusk fades to dark(no bite) and then a period of deep dark moving to moonrise(medium bite) and then back to no bite later in the evening. (which is really a long way of saying it is earth rotation making the difference) Partially, it also could be the fishing pattern and how "worn out" the waters get from staying in one place too long.

    Just some ideas. If you do a lot of both day and nite, early and late fishing you may notice a similar pattern during your daytime forays. For example, on a small pond that I know quite well, if I go at dark thirty in the AM and start fishing right away-hitting all the spots where the fish "are", I get nada! Zip! zero! but right at sun-up I start to see a change and get the onezee and twozee fish. Then say between 7-9AM the action is hot! hot! hot! then the sun creeps a little higher and the bite dies; even if I change tactics, fish deeper, different flies, etc. When it dies, it really dies and I pack it in. however on an overcast day the bite may last another hour ......and then of course there are weather fronts to contend with. yea.....lotsa rambling but you can see there is a pattern to be discerned from your fish and my ramblings....good luck. HTH!

    I fish, therefore I swam.

    [This message has been edited by featherchucker (edited 19 April 2006).]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Mattydale NY



    You just described the fishing routine of my favorite farm pond to a T...exact same scenario every time..except for the days when there is NO Bite.....Those days it works in reverse...in the evening...
    Wish ya great fishing,Bill

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