Joe, thank-you for your eye opening reply. A google search of "float 'n fly" produced a full evenings worth of reading/learning.

Funny to find out it's pretty much the same technique as Chironomid fishing, something that I'm all too familiar with, of course the hook is dressed a little differently

I tied up some lightly weighted bucktails with Polar Bear and Llama hair. The oriented Llama hair has some movement, but not nearly as much as marabou or bunny fur. I also have a few gummy minnows from days gone by. I can see how they would be just the ticket.

I guess the last trick will be to find where the bass are wintering. I know of a few locations like you mentioned (15' deep with good drop to 40') Also more than a few steep rock cliffs underwater.

I'll also scope out the shallows facing the sun to see if they are up there getting warm.

Well now that I'm more than a little stoked to get out there to try out the new presentation I'll have to fgure out when I can slip away. the lake is prone to some nasty weather, hopefully next weekend will present some favorable conditions. I'll let you know how it goes when I do get out.

Thanks again,

[This message has been edited by Shaggy (edited 26 February 2006).]