Gill Budd, RW here,

I'm 69 and still going strong with my canoes. How come by now you have never used a clamp on seat with back rest?

If you're used to fishing from a canoe you wouldn't like a belly boat for all your me on that. A toon won't help loading time or the impracticle aspects of loading and unloading in particular vehilces as you get older, especially if you fish alone a lot. A yak will just put you lower to the water. My son has yaks, and I tried fishing from one. After 45 years in canoes I didn't like it. If you are used to fishing with a canoe and hate to give em up then don't. Use the applications (seats with backs, etc.) that are readily available.
I do.

Later, RW

"We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-

[This message has been edited by Royal Wulff (edited 17 August 2005).]