Hey Bigcliff,

I couldn't agree more with your opinion
of the Wilderness Systems Tarpon 120. It's
a fine kayak for the salt water.

Fishcreek said he wanted a boat for
small streams and ponds. That's what I based my reply on. The Tarpon 120 is not
a pond boat and on small meandering streams
the tracking ability of the Tarpon will work against him. Yes, you
can do it, but you will have to work harder
to do so. Get a smaller boat with a
bit more rocker and it will be easier
to maneuver in the tight stuff. There are
any number of smaller kayaks that work well
and are not a pain to paddle. I have been
favorably impressed with the smaller Waldens
in that respect. Just for the sake of a
comparison, The Walden Voyager at 10 foot is
a reasonably good paddling kayak. It costs
about 40 percent of the price of the
Tarpon 120 and weighs just a bit over half
as much. Thats a lot of difference and for
many of us well worth consideration. Warm
regards, Jim