
I probably shouldn't go here, but I'm really curious. Why would you fish such a fly for bass, especially in Florida?

I know it would work, heck, where you are, a piece of popsicle stick glued to a hook would work, but why a caddis fly of any kind?

Bass aren't known for their appetite for insects, except when they are little, although they will eat anything.

I'd just think that in the bass' home regions, you'd be fishing deer hair, foam poppers, big leech/worm/minnow patterns, etc.. Agressive stuff, you know, not trout flies, even BIG trout flies.

Anyway, I am curious.

Also, if you have the time/inclination, I have some flies I'd like someone to try in your area. If you want to send me an address, I'll send some to you if you'll 'test' them for me.


