OK, after researching this very thoroughly for the past several days and talking to more experts with the state and with EPA it looks like the only REAL step backwards in terms of protection proposed in these rule changes is that industries like mills and quarries could be allowed to discharge water into Ozark streams just like mines and wastewater treatment plants are allowed to under the current regs. These discharges are only allowed if there is "minimal risk of harm" to the stream in question. The opposition to this change is based on the assumption that MDNR does not possess sufficient resources to properly monitor said discharges, so opponents would like to see the total ban remain in effect.

On the issue of the e. coli levels and such, this is actually an IMPROVEMENT in protection levels because secondary use waters are currently UNPROTECTED. And the proposed contaminant levels are well within the standards set by other states and the EPA guidelines.

So it seems there was some misinformation in the original bulletin published first on the Arkansas Canoe Club website...probably born of a misinterpretation of the proposed rule changes.

I stand with the naysayers still...on the issue of allowing other industries to discharge into our streams. They haven't been allowed to for years. Why change now?

Fishing the Ozarks