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Thread: So what do you do?

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rock Springs, Wyo., USA


    Well, born and raised in SW Wyoming, 1st thru 6th grade at Powder Wash camp on the Wyo.-Colo. border. 7th and 8th at Hiawatha camp, I was the only student in my junior high!
    Neither camp exists anymore, automation.

    Am an oilfield brat, Mt, Fuel Co. which is now Questar, is whom my Dad worked for.
    Moved to Rock Springs in '66' to start high school, '70' graduate.
    Worked construction for two years, started with FMC corp. in '72' and have been here ever since.

    Married into a ranching family in '74' which just helped to feed my need to be OUTDOORS!!

    My job is controlroom operator, official title is Chief Power Operator, so I don't get outside very often except on days off which makes these 12 hr. shifts nice, get more days of to play!!

    Am very fortunate to have a wife who indulges my desire for camping and any thing out of doors, she has the same needs, just doesn't fish or hunt. She picked the tent we use for camping, and we share the cooking duties when out.

    Also am within an hour, no more than two, of some of the best trout fishing around. Just haven't figured out Flaming Gorge Reservoir yet. It has some nice small mouth bass in it, I just can't seem to catch anything when I'm on it!!

    Do volunteer work, Hunters Ed. instructor, also Knights of Columbus, MR. Santa Clause, am pretty busy this time of year, and the wife and I am constantly documenting any birds of prey, Hawks, Eagles, etc. we see for the BLM bird surveys we got involved in twenty years ago. Yea, a ranching family working with the BLM, surprises the wife also. It is also another excuse to be OUT in the wild. The wife gets very jealous when I can go during the week, she teaches sixth grade at Holy Spirit Catholic School so only has weekends and the summer to play.

    As of April of 2007, finally figured the Gorge out! Not fly fishing, but actually have caught some fish in the darn place!

    Work some overtime now and again to pay for toys and trips.

    Wyo-blizzard aka Bloody Tom Bonney

    [This message has been edited by Byron Zuehlsdorff (edited 21 December 2005).]
    Last edited by Byron Zuehlsdorff; 04-20-2008 at 02:18 AM. Reason: update

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