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Thread: Off topic- A reminder to motorists

  1. #1

    Default Off topic- A reminder to motorists

    For a bit of relevence- with gas prices on the rise and not likely to ever be as low as they were only a year or two ago, you're probably going to be seeing a lot more cyclists on the road. Not only recreational cyclists, but people riding bikes for affordable transportation.

    That being said, I'd like to remind motorists that cyclists share the same rights to use our roadways as you do. So when you pass somebody on a bike, treat them with respect, and drive safely. When you pass a cyclist, give them some room, and if you can't move over, slow down. Don't pass a cyclist in an intersection. Don't cut cyclists off (sometime's we're moving faster than you think). Being a courteous driver means being courteous to everyone (And it goes both ways, too).

    To put things in perspective, imagine yourself in a Honda Civic. Every other car on the road is a semi truck travelling two to four times your speed. You have every right to be out there, but how comfortable does that make you feel?

    As a cyclist, I do my best to be safe and courteous around motorists. We really appreciate it when you do the same for us.

    Oh. . . and this post might have something to do with a particular cyclist who was run off the road yesterday, who is about to go get his hip x-rayed. . . who is not very happy about the whole ordeal.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Ithaca, NY USA


    Yikes, Okie!! Good luck with that hip and let us know how it's going. And yeah, that analogy of the Civic vs. the Semis was perfect. For a while I rode a recumbent bike around town. That's more being really short and driving a white civic in a blizzard while surrounded by semis. Got too dicey for me. I hope you're back to riding real soon.


    Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming-WOW---What A Ride!
    "If I'm not going to catch anything, then I 'd rather not catch anything on flies" ... Bob Lawless

  3. #3


    Okie, I think cyclists also need to remember the rules of the road. Just because they are on a bike, doesn't mean they can dis-regard laws and signs as they please. The biggest problem we have in our area is bikers riding two or three wide. It has created some big problems and I personally don't understand why these guys do this sort of thing..

  4. #4



    "I'd like to remind motorists that cyclists share the same rights to use our roadways as you do".

    Sorry bud, but I really disagree: I have no problem with cyclists on small roads or streets where the speed limit is 35 or less mph and there are adequate shoulders. However, on roads with higher speed limits, like state highways or interstates, they simply do not belong. In fact, in this state, non-motorized vehicles are not permitted on highways.

    Where I live, there's a 2 lane(1 each direction) state route that is mostly 55 mph and is kind of winding. The shoulders are about 4 feet wide. This area has had numerous accidents and several vehicular deaths. It is considered a dangerous road and the cyclists make it even more so. They always seem to be on the inside of the shoulder and could care less about traffic. To boot, I just love those tiny little cycles where the seat is about 4 inches off the ground and you pedal with your legs in front of you in a semi-reclining position. Sometimes a driver can't even see these people.

    Maybe we will be seeing a lot more cyclists on the road. If so, and if they continue to act like the road is theirs, we'll likely see a lot more hospital emergency visits and obits in the newspapers. If it hasn't come up, sooner or later, cyclists are going to be required to have the equivalent of auto insurance.

    I don't care if it's not PC, bicycles do not belong where cars are going by at 45-65 mph. There are enough problems with poor drivers, drunk drivers, doped-up drivers, road rage idiots and the like. We don't need to add men and women bicyclists who disregard others safety, much less their own. If they want to exercise, bicycle around the block 100 times. Just stay off the dam* roads.

    Let me add that those tandem bikes and adult cyclists who must have the infant/child with them on the same bike should not be permitted anywhere where there is traffic.


    [This message has been edited by tyeflies (edited 07 September 2005).]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Plant City, Fla U.S.A.


    I can speak from both sides of this argument. I am a professional tractor trailer driver with over 500,00 accident free miles. I also rode a bike up until 1994. There is room for everyone given a little common sense. Cyclists have an obligation to to make themselves as small and unoffensive as possible. Motorists need to give others a wide birth. It is only by the grace of God and because of Bell helmets that I am alive today. I still have a very bad short term memory as a result of the accident. I would plead with all cyclists everywhere to please always wear a helmet.
    Rusty <><

    if you wanna catch something ya gotta get a hook in the water

  6. #6


    Remember Paul, I said it's a two way street. Inconsiderate cyclists are just as bad as inconsiderate motorists. In Oklahoma the law is no more than two-wide. When my friends and I ride together it is usualy in a pace line (single file) but when we do ride two abreast the man on the left moves behind the other guy to let cars pass. Cyclists also have to obey all traffic signs and signals, people that don't are in violation of the law (and stupid, it's a good way to get hurt).

    Tye, in regard to where we should and shouldn't ride- Having the right to ride somewhere doesn't make it wise I don't ride highways unless there's a shoulder or it's flat, remote, and I'm very visible. Cyclists have a responsibility to themselves and to motorists to make wise decisions about where it is and isn't safe to ride.
    As for recumbent bikes (little bitty low bikes), I think slow-moving-vehicle signals (think orange triangles on tractors and horse buggies) and bright orange dune buggy-style flags should be mandatory (I know a lot of folks ride with them already). Being that low to the ground is much, much more dangerous than riding a traditional diamond frame bike. And I'll agree about banning child carriers in traffic, and tandems in city traffic (they're fine for open road, but not manueverable enough to be safe for high traffic areas). Not smart at all.

    Rusty, you hit the nail on the head on both counts. Sharing the roads is a two-way street. And never ride anywhere without a helmet. I won't even go around the block without my hard hat on.

    Diane, everything with the hip is A-okay. X-rays showed no fracture, so I've just got a pretty nasty contusion. About a week of taking it easy and lots of stretching and I'll be good as new. Thanks for your concern!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Southern Illinois


    In Illinois the law says bycycles are to obey the laws just like a car.Funny thing is the main roads are safer to ride on then the side roads and subdivisions. They flew a 12 year old,bike car accident,on life flight. He was in the street,on his bike and was hit from the rear,in a culdesac no less. Cell phone in use by the driver.
    I ride and am always watching out for cars but they don't always look out for me.We don't have many sidewalks and there are no shoulders just street and ditch.I HAVE been in the latter several times.I guess its just a bycycle and doesn't count as having any rights to the road.
    Glad to hear you are ok Okie! I'll take bruised ego over broken hip ANYTIME.DIDN"T HURT your castin arm did ya????hope not.
    "Sorry BOSS to sore for work but the Therapist said to go fishin,the wadin in the water will be good therapy".

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Siloam Springs AR



    Glad to hear your OK, I wish you a quick and full recovery. Hope ti see ya again soon

    Lets go fishin

    ....fly tying is the next best thing to fishing; it is the sort of licking of the lips that eases a thirsty man in the desert

    Arthur Ransome

  9. #9



    I guess I did not realize you too were a cyclist. Sorry to hear of your accident. I hope the stiffness works out quickly. A couple of years ago I caught the rear view mirror of a Lexus with my left butt cheek. Thank God for collapsing mirrors!! I am seeing more people riding for transportation locally and agree that the numbers will probably increase. I am working with the city bus system to put bike racks on the busses to make biking for transportation a more practical option.

    I don't know how the law is interpreted in OK but in AR the law says about the same. It is interpreted in the driver's test study book as "Don't share a lane with a cyclist or pedestrian" So in AR give the bike the whole lane. I confirmed this with our municipal judge who handles traffic court. Also in AR the only roads that bicycles are prohibited from are limited access (eg interstate) highways.

    tyeflies you said
    "...if they continue to act like the road is theirs, ..."

    Well the roads, like the rivers, belong to all of us. We need to be respectful to all legitimate users.

    Chuck Hitt

  10. #10


    Hi check yf,

    1. "Well the roads, like the rivers, belong to all of us". - Really?

    2. "We need to be respectful to all legitimate users". - I agree and cycling on certain types of roads(as I mentioned) should be illegal and thereby illegitimate.



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