"I am considering relocating
from our home in northern california
to Bozeman MT."

Make that Re-consedering Banjo! LOL!

I do very much want to relocate where people get along.. Kindness, consideration,respect, and no stereotypes about any persons..

I can stay here and enjoy these things as I do now but, if we do relocate we will bring these values with us where ever my family and I chose to live..
( Heck maybe even where Banjo lives )

For these values are instilled within us and
can be passed along, in my book they surely are.

PS: Tom L,

Some of the things you spoke of are
garbage and my Son as you thought has a mindset to see it for just what you say it is and not stand for it. In fact denonce it.

This I am very proud of as well as his ability to cast a good line on the water. Boast, Boast,Boast!! Tied his 1st fly at four... Ok I will hold back but... you should have seen him at Yellowstone last week..

Again Tom and all the rest of my angling bretheren I thank you for your kind observations and insights.


[This message has been edited by Steve Molcsan (edited 18 August 2005).]