A mountain bike is one of the ways I recovered from my cardiac "situation" and now I can be seen going upstream on the thing to excape the yuppies.

Looks a little strange when I take the inflated float tube, rod case, chest pack, small cooler, etc. for a ride through the roadless track-free public lands to get to hitherto unknown (now only secret)of our mountain cattle stock tanks FULL of gills, monster bass, crappie and stocker trout.

BUT - its been one of the most benificial activities and has knocked off the weight, strengthened the ticker (and legs), and have explored and found fishing that I had only wondered about.

Crank away, and integrate the two to mutual good results so you can enjoy BOTH for many more years. (UP-hill is you friend now!)

Just another "Happy Hooker".

[This message has been edited by gordo7 (edited 12 June 2005).]

[This message has been edited by gordo7 (edited 12 June 2005).]