Ok, here's my story...

Roscoe!!! My son and I, where very excited about going. We had hered and read, everything about it.
So Sat. morning we headed out. A long trip we knew, no problem there. I tried to make the drive fun and interesting for him, but he was already ok with the drive... good news.
Well at the cross over point from 81 to the next turn, (after 325 miles of diving) I made a wrong turn in alberKurky, (kinda like what Bugs always did ) No problem there, a quick fix, but it started a are we gonna get there thing from my son..."S"
Well we got straight,(thank you Map Qwest), and was on our way again. We were going along very well. We,(after a good bit of driving, crossed the PA. line, cause we looked back and there was the sign welcom to PA. K, no prob. and right there was a fly shop that my son sugested that I get my NY fishing License at... K, so we stopped, the feller said, no can't get one here cause we are in PA..._) OK, I said, ( I was thinking ok then where in the, h, e, double l toothpicks are we??? He said, to go across the bridge and go some where that I could get a lincences for NY there.
So okay, ounce again, no prob. we travel across the bridge and there is a sign that said, WELCOME TO NY, ok, at this point,I'am thinking, then, what in the toothpicks do they call the area in between...'S" Who know's... Must be space fro Aliens like me and my son...lol
Oh and PS: Nice looking trout stream under that there bridsge!!!
Which raises mine, and my son's anticapation!!!
Sso we tootle along waiting to get to Roscoe..
We are on the way on 17 east when we cross the Beaver Kill!!! Hidh fives in the Jeep!!! We are really excited!!! "S" (Why the "S", more to come)
Well, we was really close to Roscoe as you all well know, ( at least alot of you all) and I had been driving all day! So what do ya think happened when we got there after crossing the willomac(spelling) as well. Yup you got it, my son wanted to fish and I wanted to check in and relax on my vacation.
No prob. again, I got us checked in and went to the closes point I knew for the wilo from driving in.
There at the off ramp to Roscoe i turned in to the river, not thinking I drove into a place where they had filled with sand.SOUNDS LIKE A TRUCK STOP TO ME!!! I thought about after I was in it. Tires spinning and going deeper, ("S" at this point I really wanted to be at the Rockland, to relaxe even more), and again no Prob. the 4-wheel really does work and he's off and fishing...He fished for a while and I stayed on a rock in the water trying to coach him, he done good, the fish did not...("S" 11 year old)
Well we got back to the motel there and did some practice casting, we tried dif. rods with dif. line on them and had fun.
we went to bed early.
We woke up around 4am, an went looking for breakfast. K, nothing open till 6am, the roscoe dinner opens then. Again, no prob, we scouted a little and found a very nice looking stretch of water on the Willow above, on the same road as the diner.
WE played around driving and looking until the dinner opened up. We sat down and(not thinking of where I was) I asked if they had gritts??? Well ya know what she said, lol, then I asked if they had gravy, her replie was, no, and we don't have biscuits either, ahhh, then the light went on, lol, We or north, not south,lol k, no prob, we ate our food as was on our way...
Josh wanted to go to the Beaver Kill, k, lets go. We srove until we could figure out how to get down there from the main road, and we did it!!!
K, so we settled down on this one spot, that Hendrikcson place where the flie was first tyed on the bank in 1916 I think, anyhoo, We got all suited up and walked down to the stream. It looked to be a very productive day.
( oh and PS: again, I took him to the Baxter house fly shop and got the what they are hitting on flies)
So we went down, I waded out first, then Josh behind me. Everything was cool, until, (ya'll got any gusses???) yep, 5 steps into the river and my son falls backward into the water, yeppers he did. "S"
OK, everything was cool, he was a trooper, headed back out on shore to empty his waders out.( yes I did laughe a little and so did he) k, now we are back to fishin, to mack a long story even longer, in the short time we were there, my son fell in 3 times..."S" And that made his girl friend at the dance tuesday night look alot better than fishin..., Oh well a chip off the old block, sorry I didn't get the chance to meet any you folks, but there will come a day, yes, there will come a day....

Tim Grubbs
Son Josh

[This message has been edited by Grubb (edited 30 May 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Grubb (edited 30 May 2005).]