I'd like to encourage everyone to learn a little more about the 'jerk-strip' retrieve method with full sink lines. It has completely changed the way I view sinking lines and their use. When using this method, the fly is never so deep that it is out of sight. This means that pick up is easy, and that all strikes are visual. Even though the fly doesn't go deep, the sink line is essential for a uniform-depth retrieve.

Here is a quote from the Kelly Galloup article I referenced above:
Whenever we recommend full-sinking lines to friends and clients, we hear the same response: "Those lines are hard to cast and I don't like them because I can't mend them." Actually, full-sinking lines are easy to cast, especially when you need distance and accuracy. They shoot well due to their fine diameters, which also helps in windy conditions. It's true that you can't mend a full-sinking line once it is in the water, but as you'll see, we welcome current-induced drag in the jerk-strip retrieve and use it to our advantage. An inability to mend the line is not an important concern.
