My schedule this week,
Mon models
Tue Models
Wed Computer
Thur Computer
Fri Fish-in
Sat Model at the fish-in, shooting
Sun Fish-in and eating at Bill's house.
Mon Fish-in depending on the wife might be coming home.

So you can see it is a mixture. Some days I work with beautiful models, some days I work with computer with ID-10-t errors, and if I really have a great week, I get to work with someone that really needs my help. Like tomorrow, I will be at a location that I love to go to. It is an insurance office and they are on the cutting edge... I think they are my favorite customers.

Too bad you will not be here for the fish-in. I told the models we might have a real viking and a few pirates. Now since you are not going to be there Purebs will have to help me with the shoot.

Oh welllllllll


[This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 16 February 2005).]