
This is the sort of stuff I want to hear about. I think since these ladies, (some are near 50) are new to fly fishing the shots will be what you are looking for. I do not know how the industry will take it but most of these pictures are going to a stock agency... Some of these girls like to fish and some have never been. But they all want to try.

I cannot handle that camera and teach them at the same time, my desire is to shoot them catching their first fish, getting the first tangle that takes 5 minutes to undo, their first slip and dunking, all of it.

Kids will of course be there also, we have a 9 year old that is supposed to be there next weekend.. I am hoping to stop fishing when he arrives and pay attention to him.
I love kids, and I would hate to miss the chance to capture that look of excitement.


[This message has been edited by Harold Hattaway (edited 31 January 2005).]