Hi Guys

Sorry I have been out of touch last few days. Getting ready for The mini Fish-in next weekend, got some rookies from Canada coming, and a bunch of the pirates are going to get together. Any of you are invited just let me know if you want to come. We are just fishing. No parties that we are saving for Purebs's house.

Also I had a terrible job today shooting 3 beautiful models, I have one Monday and one Tuesday and One Wednesday then I can take a few days off.

I must be getting old, here I am with 3 beautiful women taking pictures of them and all I am thinking of is the beautiful water behind them and thinking I'll bet I can hit that grass from here. I must be sick taking models to the water. I sit there while they are changing knowing my travel rod is in the van, looking at the water seeing a fish rise...... You know the rest. Pictures turned out great, models are happy and the fish stuck their fins out at me.

Now I am going to bed, and dream of next weekend, the weather is warm here mid 70's
the fish are ready to eat....
