Enough already;

35 degress this morning and now it is 60. I think we have had enough cold weather. We have a mini fish-in on Feb the 5th and the real one 2 weeks later. Us Florida guys will be ready for the snook in 8 days. I have some new places to play and I cannot wait till we all get back on the skyway flats. The mini fish-in will have some friends from Canada, I am mad at them because they told me their wifes would not let them pick up our lady pirates. Shukydurn.
Now all you Florida Pirates turn on the heat and lets get this cold gone once and for all.

Hey Saltydancindave; You free on the 5th? We will play at the skyway flats. Tides are all wrong, but what the heck. I could use the practice before MIKEMV gets here. I do not want him to see my casts just yet. hehehehe

D. Micus, the red drum are hitting they love our flies, every cast you have the potiential to catch a world record, You are getting sleepy, now repeat after me... I will be at the Florida Fish-in, I will catch fish other than stripers. I will help correct Flats Dude's language, I will be there, now on the count of three wake up and feel like it is summer outside.

Take care
