
It is just that I only have 2 long sleeve shirts. Now one I wear on Sundays. So this is a problem. I am not going to go buy new shirts just because you guys loaned us some of your winter. It will all be gone in a day or so.

I will just have to wait till noon to go outside. The models called and put off the shoot till later this afternoon. Still a chance to shoot the girls in swim suites. I was out a little while ago and in the sunshine it seems warm enough should be in the 60's in a few minutes. I think that will be warm enough if I promise not to make them get wet. If they cancel again I will take a ride out to the flats and see if it is nice out there. Maybe shoot some pictures of the ice bergs under the skyway. <grin>

Have a warm day........

Tup you go ahead and do your dance. If it freezes we might lose a few bugs.
