Well Old Bill, I'm only a year or so behind you and I think you should hear this...

About 2 years ago a very special Golden Retriever named Lancaster came into our lives here in Arizona in spite of my protests that "it's too damn painful when ya gotta put 'em down, I ain't gonna do that ennnymore...."

I now am back to speed walking 3 to 5 miles everyday, visiting hospitals spreading cheer and watching "my Dawg, Lancaster", do his thing with oncology kids, heart bypass seniors, Mom's in Waiting, etc. etc. etc. The Hospices in the area also know where to find us. I have a new focus in life, and you know what? I don't have time to feel down anymore. Each week I see several situations that remind me of the old adage "I felt sorry I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet". Now, each day I wake up I find myself so thankful just to be able to open my eyes.

Snipe, get out there and get yourself a kindly dog....By the Way, there's a poster on my wall in front of me that sez, "I wish I could be as good a person as my dog thinks I am". I'm trying Lancaster, I'm trying.

Snow on the roof with fire in the hearth